
Wettervorhersage: Regen zum Wochenstart in NRW erwartet

Wettervorhersage: Regen zum Wochenstart in NRW erwartet

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Wettervorhersage: Zu Beginn der nieuw Woche will be a regnerisch. (Archive image)
Start the new work. (Archive image)
© Henrich Linda/​dpa

Those people in North Rhine-Westphalia can start with the new beginning of rain and a kühles Wetter set. The Montag is very bright and has a strong influence on the temperature of 14 and 17 degrees. In the Bergland you see in the Northern region the time with a sharper wind, while we see a bigger wind. On the Night of the Service it is time to stay.

The service reports to the DWD about heavy rain. One of the strengths of the device is that the device fails. Ferner see temperatures between 15 and 18 degrees.

I think it makes a strong impression and is not good for wiederholten-schauerartigen-niederschlägen, so der DWD. If you look at the rain then you will be able to see everything from there. The Tageshöchsttemperatures are between 13 and 16 degrees. There is no rain on the night of Donnerstag.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240929-930-246710/1