
Marie Kondo and Hideko Yamashita read their lifestyle tips

Marie Kondo and Hideko Yamashita read their lifestyle tips

Minimalism is one of the best ways to live, which focuses on western life. Whoever loses the ballast and fuel walks into some fuller Ruhe and Zufriedenheit.

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Was this minimalism?

Minimalism means “Platz machen für das, was zählt.” Dieser Lebensstill beruht darauf, so little equipment that can be used. Flooding and unnoticed ansammlungen of besitztümern have no place on minimalist life. Statistics are a matter of beddeutung, which are unreal Freude prepare. Minimalism is the best there is Wesentliche if you sign up and take the photo on your legend, it is interesting to do so.

In Clip: The Konmari-Methode Power das Aufräumen in 3 Schritten ganz leicht

Minimalism after Marie Kondo and Hideko Yamashita: Weniger is more

That Japanese Bestseller autorin Marie KondoDeren Bücher in 27 Sprachen übersetzt en weltweit über 7 Millionen Mal verkauft wurden, hat eenine inzigartige Method des Minimalism develops. The KonMari method ensures that no lies can arise. Statistics lurk when it comes to things that Freude prepares and eats positive final flush on life.

Marie Kondo: Was there a hint of the KonMari method?

1. Think about the ideal Lebensstil-nach: Visualize how you can enjoy yourself the most and how to do it.

2. Umgib dich mit Sachen, die du liebst: Behalte nur die Gegenstand, die dir wirklich Freude bereiten en meerwert für dein Leben darstellen.

3. Let go with gratitude: Trenne dich von Dingen, de dir keine Freude mehr bereiten, and thank you for the Zeit, in der si dir gedient haben.

Reize reduce and zur Ruhe kommen

Hideko Yamashita: That DanShaRi method

Hideko Yamashita, ebenfalls Aufräum- und Entrümpelungs-Expertin from Japan, hat mit der DanShaRi method a personal experience based on the principle of yoga. DanShaRi chooses “Dinge”, “Wegwerfen” and “Vreiheit genie”. This method is not suitable for use in the physical environment, but also mentally clear and freedom to purchase.

Yamashita concreted, that was Besitz zu Unfriedness führt. By sorting out one thing can be done Consum Think about it, stop the order and more time for the Wesentliche in Leben gewinnen. You can describe your method as a form of it Self-liberationwho are a single and hereditary Leben führt.

1. Dinge (Dan): Entscheide, the point, is a warning against this sin.

2. Cast away (Sha): Entferne alles, was no longer useful or was this little Freude prepared.

3. Freedom of Enjoyment (Ri): Erlebe that is free and frivolous, the time when Besitz begins, and becomes aware of the Western life in life.

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Laut Studie: So positiv wirkt sich Minimalismus auf deine mental Gesundheit aus

A minimalist design style is no longer suitable for the money-hungry and aesthetic design. In any case, study of this minimalism can positively improve mental health and lead to depression. Den der Spruch “Besitz taxet” hat a core.

The Vorteile des Minimalism

1. Freedom in life figures

Minimalism is here to stay freedomdein Leben nach deinen eigenen Vorstellungen zu gestalten. When we use material that we can use and buy, it is anyone’s guess what time with family and friends is. Diese Freiheit is light in the direction, more authentic they will live and meet those who sway Werten entsprechen.

2. Check the data in Umfeld

A minimalist Lebensstil-hilft dir, die Control about your environment. Weniger Dinge beuten weniger Chaos en meer Ordnung, was zufriedenheit and weniger Stress führt. An upgraded house removes a bad atmosphere and reduces the whole atmosphere Taxation.

3. Acquire Mental Clarity

Minimalism abolishes mental space and clarity. A curled up house often reflects a clear mind. If you buy ballast, buy the place for more Focus and witty EnergyThis was half of the year, so we could fully understand it.

So buy your effective Ordnung!

Minimalist Design: Inspiration for the Zuhause

Minimalist Living Room: Beige combined with Holz for optical Ruhe.
Minimalist Living Room: Beige combined with Holz for optical Ruhe.© Shutterstock / V1ktoria

Do you still find the minimalist style so straight, how can the concept help you?

1. Reduce Möbel

Everything, there was no function whatsoever in creating four walking routes and platz activities, which you can sort. Trenne dich von überflüssigen Möbelstücken. It is possible that the renovation wiring process will be suspended. When you want to do something, it doesn’t involve infusing some part of your body with a new substance.

2. Farbkonzept: “Keep it simple”

Bright colors with beige, gray, white and pastel shades are minimalist. Interior concepts are credible. The heat increases and the supply increases. In a monochrome color scheme, the different shades can be used through their use, creating a harmonious and raw effect.

3. Multifunctional Möbel

Invest in Möbel, most functions that play a role, with an integrated stauraum or a Tisch, which serves as a workspace. Solche Stücke helps, Platz saves and the Zuhause orderdentlich zu halten.

4. Kreativ were with them, was du hast

Everything in a minimalist style with a single look. Nutze Regale efficiently, integrated the wesentlichen Dinge into the available space and entferne everything, was unnoticed and fell on the Platz. Wähle Stücke, de wirklich ins Auge fallen en de schönsten Ecken betonen. Entferne alles, was not zur Gesamtästhetik beiträgt.

Besser zur Ruhe kommen at night

Minimalist Schlafzimmer

The Schlafzimmer is an ort der Ruhe en Entspannung signal. With a reduced space design you can create a cozy and consistent atmosphere.


1. Weniger Möbel: Reduce the Möbel on the Nötigste. A bet, a commode and a few night rich are often present.

2. Beruhigende Farben: Set a gradient with pastel or neutral colors, an exciting view to buy.

3. Texture combinations: Verwende verschiedene Textures für Bettwäsche, Vorhänge and Teppiche, a warm look, regardless of the minimalist style from the past.

Minimalist Küche

The perfect kitchen is functional and quiet. If you remove the rod from view and a clear, opaque work surface.


1. Efficient operation: Nutze vertical regal and simple scratches, a stauraum that maximizes you and the working flächen freizuhalten.

2. Multifunctional Möbel: Wähle Kücheninseln with Stauraum or the foldable Tische, a Platz zu spare and the Küche orderdentlich zu halten.

3. Klare Farb Palette: Spoiled a single palette with white tones or gray tones, a kitchen that is larger and will require much more welding.

Minimalist Badezimmer

Start excitement in the Tag? Ideal in a bathroom, that is the Wesentliche reduziert.
Start excitement in the Tag? Ideal in a bathroom, that is the Wesentliche reduziert.© Shutterstock / iamsuleyman


1. Minimalist print: Spoiled Regale and Schränke, an all bad article in the background.

2. Helle Farben: Load the wash with white or pastel, a larger tub and a lighter load.

3. Functional displacement: Install an economical and multifunctional machine, such as waschbecken-under-carpentry or regale, so that the storage space can be overloaded.

Please note that this principle, the purchase of a house, that is not completely silent, is so practical and sensible.

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  • 1 Lloyd, K., Pennington, W. Towards a theory of minimalism and well-being. Int J Appl Posit Psychol 5121–136 (2020).