
I am WM-Rennen: Niedermeier weint nach Tod der Rad-Kollegin Furrer

I am WM-Rennen: Niedermeier weint nach Tod der Rad-Kollegin Furrer

Der Tod der Schweizer Radfahrerin Muriel Furrer am Freitag hat das upperbayerische Radsport-Talent Antonia Niedermaier heavy mitgenommen. Die 21-Jährige brach während des WM-Rennens am Samstag in Tränen aus, weinte später auch in Ziel. Davon messages food Niedermaiers Teamkolleginnen. “That was completely mental. That was my soul,” says Niedermaier in ZDF.

The mountain specialists, who were on the ski mountain trails, thought it was their own destruction. The war in the course of the Giro was fought fiercely, when the Slowenin Urska Zigart broke off the war. Die Deutsche stürzte auf das Gesicht, kam aber ohne Frakturen davon. While the Sturz von Furrer experiences the gratitude of wieder hoch. “If the Nachricht kam, that’s what happened, that’s not how it happened. That’s what happened,” said Niedermaier.

Auf der Strecke can be better fahren

When Tod von Furrer was now 18 years old in the Donnerstag, there was a war going on as to how the Niedermaier would end the Rennens in the Kopf. “I have the time when time went by on the road, this passion had begun. Ich bin Vorsichtig Gefahren,” he said. Ben Ende occupied Niedermaier Platz 18, winning bronze in the U23 Wertung.

Außerdem setzten Niedermaier Kälte und Dauerregen zu. “There was a super heart and super calmness,” the U23 Weltmeisterin reported in the Zeitfahren. “I couldn’t get my hands on my glasses. Am And I couldn’t get more pictures, because my hands were so calm.” And the war that is popular Rosenheimer with his medical medal, bronze and gold in battle, still becomes silver in the Mixed-Team-zeitfahren.

Niedermeier as Helferin for Liane Lippert

For the Premier League, the medal has become a man in Liane Lippert’s German team. “We were more motivated, we were in the elite with our support. They were protected from the beginning. I had my job mastered and could then come to U23,” said Niedermaier.

Lippert surpassed Bronze in Sprint by a few Zentimeters. The title went to Lotte Kopecky (Belgium) ahead of Chloe Dygert (USA) and Elisa Longo Borghini (Italian).