
Bräunlingen: Warum Bräunlinger Kultband nach Todesfällen Songs nicht more games

Bräunlingen: Warum Bräunlinger Kultband nach Todesfällen Songs nicht more games

Music association. When emotions, emotions and feelings are spent in the dark period: The band from Bräunlingen, which lasts 23 years until the names of the Bregi House Band during the war, has a long history.

If the group made a major revival years ago, it is worth it: Der plötzliche Verlust zweier longjähriger Mitglieder, Norbert Kammerer and Bernd “Jägi” Schaupp, erschütterte the Band zutiefst. These two men were not now musicians, son of Freunde, Vertraute and Wegbegleiter for more than two years.

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Jetzt hat sich de Band entschlossen, trotz dieses schweren Schicksalschlags weiterzumachen – a new name and with a new energy: BHB – Level 24.

“Musik bedeutet uns alles,” says Hilmar Lutz, keyboardist and bandleader. A great deal of damage had been done, the group spent all those years piecing together its contents.

Thomas “Karpfen” Baur and Hilmar Lutz have Spaß at Proben.

Thomas “Karpfen” Baur and Hilmar Lutz have Spaß at Proben. | Image: Hannah Schedler

„If the Schmerz were great, we would not be able to enjoy music. We have played a game together and another, when plans and views are often best.’

Phase of orientation loss

The band must create elegant fragments that are as simple as possible. “Nichts ist mehr wie früher,” said Steffen Würth, the Schlagzeuger der Band. “Two people who lived for 23 years with their lives and ties. They were niece nur Bandkollegen, son of Freunde, Familie and Wegbegleiter. No one can fulfill Diese Lücke.”

Stephan Würth loves the treibling Rhythmen.

Stephan Würth loves the treibling Rhythmen. | Image: Hannah Schedler

Würth describes the Zeit nach dem Verlust as a phase of the development of orientation, which is still present in music.

Lieder sind ein Tribut an die Freunde

One of the many friends Norbert and Bernd who live with the Band, include two songs: “Stairway to Heaven” and “Sailing”. These songs both die of a ganz under Weise in Erinnerung halt. “It’s a tough war, it was a long battle,” says Heike Baumeister, the band’s singer. “These songs are more like music – they are a tribute to our friends and our shared memories, which we share.”

Am Mikrofon: Ellen Willmann and Heike Baumeister. It is music that comes from emotions.

Am Mikrofon: Ellen Willmann and Heike Baumeister. It is music that comes from emotions. | Image: Hannah Schedler

„We are happy, that Norbert and Bernd are happy, that we are not going to be born“, thank you for Würth, it will be better now. “It is a bad thing that we continue and do not continue the band.”

If the tire stops working, there is no deterioration in sales. “We are going to be happy with our new experiences,” said Lutz. “Wir wollen neue musicale Wegeschreiten, jazzy and funkige Einflüsse in our own musical experiences, but the transitions are not completely abschneiden.”

Benedikt Hauger and Manfred Müller and the Wind Instruments.

Benedikt Hauger and Manfred Müller and the Wind Instruments. | Image: Hannah Schedler

The new name is a signal

The new band name BHB – Level 24 marks the group that is making a new beginning. “The new name supports a new life, which we will live in,” Lutz explains. “There is a Zeichen for the Einschnitt, die erlebt, aber auch for the new Direction, in the wir our moving woolen.”

Dennoch saw the Verbindung zur Verleidingenheit grimly. “If you look at our history, even if it is clear, that in itself has changed and we have new paths to describe it.”

It could be interesting

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The Trauer über de Verlust of both langjährigen Mitglieder are never present, and manche Songs see their schmerzhaft for the Band, so they will play again. “We can enjoy more songs or listen to songs, but we will still have memories of Norbert and Bernd,” said Baumeister nachdenklich.

Music is important at Trauer

„Die Trauer is a process and the music starts to entertain us.“ The band is a real player, after it has appeared, it is authentic. “Musik muss Spaß machen, und das tut sie auch”, says Würth. “That Band is more like nur Musik – he is who is a family for us.”

Ellen Willmann and Heike Baumeister in the microphone Video: Hannah Schedler

Der Proberaum is for the Group that has become a Zweiten Heimat. New Mitglieder aufzunehmen, war for the Band-keine option. “We were one and only, that’s why we used to make new woollens,” says Lutz.

Concert in smaller Rahmen

For the Zukunft that the band makes clear: if you want, whoever can play, everything becomes smaller, you can take up the time if you want. “Früher often have the fun, great parties to play, but that is not more than our soul,” said Lutz. “We could have small, personal concerts, both of whom could experience music in a single circle.”

Robert März and the Guitar. Die Freude an der Musik no longer comes into its own.

Robert März and the Guitar. Die Freude an der Musik no longer comes into its own. | Image: Hannah Schedler

The band knows that a different path is being taken as a new path to the path that these concerts find. “It would be different, but it was a surprise.”

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