
Das Wochenendwetter – Kühles Wochenende and local Bodenfrost – Meteo

Das Wochenendwetter – Kühles Wochenende and local Bodenfrost – Meteo

This September week brought the Alpennordseite temperature and in the lower Alpentälern local Bodenfrost. If you are looking for a probe, take a look at the next page. In the South, a day with Nordföhn am Samstag quickly turns into summer.

In the last wars, war is often fought in the region of Switzerland, and it becomes a fortress in Wochenende. The high temperatures are still modest at 13 degrees, and it is a matter of rain. The great Niederschlagsmenging takes place in Central and Eastern Switzerland. In Gersau 42.9 millimeters of rain were recorded, in Sihlbrugg ash trees were 42.8 millimeters.

Viel Wasser was very upset about the light flues.

More powerful rain in central Switzerland

In Obernau near Lucerne Wasser fell in Samstagnachmittag.

Trudi Haas

The Schneefallgrenze was mainly located in the area between 1600 and 1900 meters. Where it is in the center and the eastern midlands and in the Northern Alps, it is gray, gab es in the Geneva region and inner Alpine, but lasts longer. In Visp more than 6 days of sunshine were reported.

Nordföhn in Süden

My name is Tessin and I am happy with the Nordföhn auf. The Böenspitzen were on a bovine 60 Kilometers pro Stunde. The Nordföhn often takes care of Wetter. In Lugano and Locarno it is more like 10 Stunden Sonnenschein, on Monte Generoso it is more like 11 Stunden.

View through an Eisentor on the blue Luganersee.

Nordföhn in Ticino

At the same time we were warm with a Nordföhn in Tessin quickly, warm in summer and free of clouds.

Anita Heeb

Entsprechend wurde is so warm. In the Magadinoebene we were more than 24 degrees messed up. In the Engadine you will not be able to use Samstagmorgen nor Flocken teilweise up to 1400 meters, then you will be fine with a Nordföhn.

Calm Night

In the night of the night there is a powerful Zwischenhoch. Glücklicherweiise photos are from the Alpennordseite rasch Nebel- and Hochnebelfelder, so that fell Orte haarscharf in Bodenfrost vorbeischrammten.

Hügelland near Heimisberg with Nebelfetzen in the Taleinschnitten.


Nebelfelder über dem Flachland hinders a strong Abkühlung and spreads over Bodenfrost.

Renate Krayenbühl.

Different in the Alpentälern: In Visp the temperature of the temperature above ground is -1.3 degrees, in Altdorf -0.5 degrees.

Ziemlich sonniger Sonntag

Am Sonntag was both of the Alps proud of the clouds that are brightly sunny. All information can be about Nebelfelder in the Middenland and the Voralpen, so that it stops in the Nachmittag.

Fell Publikum in Elm.


Am Sonntagmorning war in Elm cloudless as the sun shines through the Martinsloch.

Florian Bucher

Trotz Sonnenschein blieb es in Norden with high temperatures on 14 Grad kühl. Auch im Süden the temperature in the Vortag went zurück. Ohne Nordföhn wurden now more than 20 degrees.

Again Altweibersommer nor Goldener October

Auch in der kommenden Woche becomes more changeable. Tiefdruckgebiete dominates our wetlands. If you have a service or service, you must receive the portion of the rain. It’s not mild. First then the Schneefallgrenze sinks to 1700 meters above sea level. When you get home, there is a new Zwischenhoch ab.