
SG Solingen starts with Doppelsieg against SK Kirchweyhe and SV Mülheim Nord

SG Solingen starts with Doppelsieg against SK Kirchweyhe and SV Mülheim Nord

Kirchweyhe. The Etat at Schach-Erstligist SG Solingen is in this Saison and was niedriger. Deshalb hated Oliver Kniest, but he never had to deal with a herausragenden buying it. Playing matches in the Bundesliga is a bull’s-eye for the SG researchers with the best result of the Bretter – and it will be so. The Solinger won in Kirchweyhe with the hosts SK with 4.5:3.5 and the SV Mülheim Nord with 7:1 and that both teams on Augenhöhe behind themselves.

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Kirchweyhe demands everything from the SG

Speziell mit Kirchweyhe can cause a problem for the Klingenstädter. The team from Bremer Nachbarort is convinced that it is very important to play so that things go well in Niederlagen. Previous Saison lost the SG 3,5:4,5, blieb dabei ohne eigenen Sieg – was anyway bedeutet, that’s satte sieben Remisen gab.

There is a point where the blackout is part of the time, which costs the party.

Oliver Kniest

SG-Vorsit transmitter

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Read more after that Anzeige

That little love is different, denn Max Warmerdam brought the Gäste Schnell in Führung. The Niederländer is in strong form and is besieging the Spitzenbrett with its 15-year-old super talent Ediz Gürel from the Turk. There are many experts who encounter a heralding Karriere. With the 1:0 in the back, the Solingern is busy with punkteilungen in the other games. Markus Ragger, Alexander Naumann, Erwin L’Ami and Pentala Harikrishna use the Job souvenir, but in three matches things become dramatic.

Krastev saw those Nerven in Zeitnot

Alexander Krastev war finished after 20 days in Zeitnot and hatte since now nor 30 days before his return. There is a nervous feeling that the Remis is at 40. Now, after the Spieler zätzliche 30 Minuteen Denkzeit bekommen. The rest of the war is on its way to the end. Loek van Wely is lost, so that’s Kirchweyhe zum 3.5:3.5 ausglich. “There is an idea in the time phase of a full-fledged blackout that will cost the game,” Kniest den Fehler described. A glücklicher war that SG then, that Mads Andersen had Vorteile ins Ziel brought. Der Dane is a nice challenge in battle and the 4.5:3.5 for his team.

Keine Mühe against Mülheim

At SV Mülheim Nord there is a problem with the SG deutliche problem. Harikrishna, L’Ami, Ragger, Andersen, Naumann and Krastev are winnowed. Warmerdam anyway Van Wely steuerten Remisen auf dem Weg zum 7:1-Sieg bei.