
Ganz bitters Ende in Frankfurt –

Ganz bitters Ende in Frankfurt –

The taste of the Grizzlies can be more bitter when cooked. While the low Frankfurt man has the power of head coach Mike Stewart with a 0:3 and 3:3, after a few games there is still a punk with the Heimreis.

Die Gäste aus Lower Saxony has a good start and begins some Torgelegenheit gehabt. On the other hand, Fabio Pfohl brought the Scheibe nicht in Kasten unter, stattdessen klingelte es Mitte des first Drittels on the other side. Daniel Pfaffengut stocherte de Scheibe über de Linie.

The automatic transmission is possible if you use Powerplay in the Ausgleich. Kurz for the first Siren was after a tire check from the low zum first Mal etwas more hitziger. Weitere Tore sollten bis zur Pause has not fallen yet.

If my passive passion is no more, then the active Grizzlies is more active in Ausgleich. Luis Schinko shone with Andy Miele’s goal and Frankfurt goalkeeper Thomas Greiss with the Kurze Zeit against Julian Chrobot.

And then it is the first right bitterness in the best phase. Carter Rowney fell a chemical player at a height of 2:0, now the Augenblicke Markus Schweiger brought it to 3:0 for the Hesse. With this playing mode, the Leidwesen of active Wolfsburgers goes into the break.

Entschieden war die Begegnung damit aber noch nicht. Miele brought Schwarz-Orange 32 Sekunden nach Wiederbeginn to the Anzeigetafel, Spencer Machacek took care of both minutes of später endgültig wieder for Spannung. The accusation would grow more and more, Machacek would receive a punishment that would be as good as schickt.

Wolfsburg had to run in Unterzahl and at that time Miele set everything back to Null with his two hit Treffer. Both teams have a chance of winning the victory – and Frankfurt is worth it.

The biggest party for the Grizzlies in the Mittwoch is at 7:30 PM in the new SAP Garden at EHC Red Bull Munich.

Das Spiel in Stenogramm

Torfolge: 1:0 (9.) Pfaffengut (Maginot, Schweiger), 2:0 (37.) Rowney (Matushkin, Nabravnik), 3:0 (38.) Schweiger (Pfaffengut, Brace), 3:1 (41.) ) ) Miele (Varone), 3:2 (43.) Machacek (Miele, Schinko), 3:3 (52.) Miele, 4:3 (59.) Napravnik (Rowney, Maginot).

Penalty minutes: Frankfurt 19, Wolfsburg 31 + 20 (Machacek).

Schiedsrichter: MacFarlane, Hinterdobler.

Zuschauer: 5822.