
BBL: Johannes Voigtmann hilft FC Bayern at Zitter-Sieg against Towers | Sports mix

BBL: Johannes Voigtmann hilft FC Bayern at Zitter-Sieg against Towers | Sports mix

I see the Donnerstag of FC Bayern Basketball in the SAP Garden in the Olympiapark ein. Dann is in the new Super-Arena zum Auftakt in the Euroleague-Saison Real Madrid at Gast (8:45 PM, Magenta Sport).

At the general inspection in the other “Wohnzimmer”, in BMW Park, the Double-Sieger is on an 81:80 (42:41) in the Veolia Towers Hamburg. 1.4 Ensure Schuss power Devin Booker at the Sieg clear. Durchatmen! If there is a new Niederlage, the Bayern-schon früh would be reingekommen in the new Saison in the Easycredit BBL Unruhe …

The team of ex-national coach Gordon Herbert (65) is in Generationen-Duell with his Hamburger Benka Barloschky (36) erneut schwer, spielte nicht zeeammen. The end of this insight is the favorite, but still a bit.

“It’s about an ab, Hamburg has fought until its Schluss,” said Bayern-Scharfschütze Andi Obst. “The Siege was very important for us.”

The best point of focus on the evenings: Summer holidays Johannes Voigtmann (31) vom italienisch Meister Mailland kehrte zum ersten since 2016 (damals für Frankfurt) op de BBL-Bühne zurück.

Dafür set off Shabazz Napier (33) and Kevin Yebo (28). At the Towers the lord of the Münchner Jan Niklas Wimberg (28/Beinbruch) is active.

Meister mit Mühe: Olympia-Held against Bayern zum Zitter-Sieg

At the Olympia in Paris, Voigtmann was proud to have fun and enjoy his medals – a wonderful health experience. In Munich there is a Ohren-Entzündung dazu. Die Folge: Der Co-Kapitän der Nationalmannschaft hatte Trainingsrückstand. This week can make the Olympia hero a little better at the end of the century – and it will result in the first writing on the Munich LED glass bodies.

The Bayern started to concentrate on the attacking Brett de Führung. When Voigtmann passes to Mal von Herbert in the next minute, the field order is determined, führten die Münchner 16:9.

But the grim Hamburger against Ruhe, machen einfach weiter das, was ich vorgenommen. Nach zehn Minuten steht es unentschieden (21:21), in der 19. Minute lie die Türme sogar 41:35 vorn! “Glaube! I will Glaube in euren Augen,” says Trainer Barloschky in the next week.

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Einlauf durch Uralt-Katakomben: Antike Arena begeistert Fans

Quelle: BILD/Instagram/TikTok

Ins Schluss-Viertel geht’s met een 60:58-Führung für die Gäste.

Then dies Grusel-Szene in der 35.: Hamburg’s Zsombor Maronka lands under the Korb on the Fuß seines Mitspielers Kur Kuath – and nods böse um. Den Zuschauern at Dyn gefriert at the Wiederholung das Blut in den Adern! Der Ungar muss auf zwei Betreuer gestützt runter, dries out longer.

Bayern starts with offensive rebounds during the Zusatz-Würfe and haben Glück with the separation of the Schiedsrichter. In the last two minutes there will be a wilder Dreier wetbewerb. A top scorer from Booker (19 points) became nervous.

Herbert: “The war is a Kraft-Sieg. We have a lot of good things to do with everything that Herz, Wille and Einsatz said. Wir haben noch Arbeit for us.”

The Bayern will now see in the SAP Garden – for the Towers will be in the Mittwoch im Eurocup in Valencia later (20 Uhr, Magenta Sport). The goal is to do this: Wimberg has decided that he will go to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in two weeks.

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Photo: BILD