
A life before thoracic surgery

A life before thoracic surgery

Gestern Abend verstarb Professor Piero Zanniniordentlicher professor for thoracic surgery at the Universität Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Mailand. Liebe erzeugt Liebe, Weisheit is erzeugt Weisheit. Und er, born in Neapel on February 20, 1952, lost Neapel aus Liebe zu seinem Vater Giuseppe and dessen Beruf, and castle 1976 during the Studium der Medicine and Surgery in Padua near the berühmten Giuseppe Pezzuoli ab.

A Meister nach then follows Mailand in the year 1979 and that II. Chirurgical Clinic of the State University and the choice in the 1980s of the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, where the treatment and thoracic surgery of Hermes Grillo, the father of Tracheal Surgery, are found.

After a backstroke in Italy, there is a deadline for the national referenzperson in this complex area of ​​thoracic surgery. 1991 There was a massive increase in the first follow-up lung transplantation in Italy. 1993 was vom Krankenhaus San Raffaele If a surgical procedure for thoracic surgery is gründen, it is so that chef can work so easily. Since 2000, there has been a commander of Thoracic Surgery at the new Universität Vita-Salute San Raffaele, where he is director of the Facharztausbildung for Thoracic Surgery, trained by the Academic Senate and the last Karriere professor of the war.

Seine Hände, ruhig en weise, konnten wie außergewöhnliche Instrumente tanzen, die nicht nur heilen, sonondern auch streicheln konnten, erzählt, wer the Glück hatte, an seiner Seite zu work, angefangen bei seinen fout Schülern.