
Tadej Pogačar has completed one of the renowned tests in Radsport and has been awarded the Weltmeisterschaft.

Tadej Pogačar has completed one of the renowned tests in Radsport and has been awarded the Weltmeisterschaft.

Tadej Pogacar has discovered one of the ancient sports of cycling, removing the weltmeister title.

At the conclusion of the Radsports “Triple Crown”, when there was a feud with Pogacar, Eddy Merckx, Stephen Roche and Annemiek van Vleuten said that the jewels had been abolished. Während van Vleuten dies in 2022, while his work of art in Roche 1987 is executed by a man, when the sport has acquired important significance.

In the following years it is a good idea to go through the Radrenfahrer, the inner part of a Saison becomes more Running of your winnings; no man would have won the Tour de France like the Giro d’Italia in a year, since 1998 Pogacar geschafft hat.

This concrete period has talent as a racing cyclist, which is in the Low ist, Racing is no longer big and has gained in various areas. Seine beeindruckenden Errungenschaften umfassen Eintagearen who the Weltmeisterschaften, was more normal the view on the spritzigkeit für die Ausdauer erfordert, die zum Gewinnen eines Dreistufenlopens notnauwen.

Nachdem is a fast perfect Saison-absolviert hat, said sich Pogacar zufrieden and sagte: “Nach fell Jahren des Kampfes um die Tour de France und other Rennen hatte ich die Weltmeisterschaft ni als clear Ziel, aber dieses Jahr lief alles glatt. Nach een zo great artigen The season lasts for a part of life, the world mastery of life, and I can make it shine, that is a passion.”

Pogacars entschiedener Sieg is a Zeugnis seine ship Dominanz. Am Sonntag in der Schweiz griff is about 100 kilometers before the end, the Ausreisser and the lie of Frankreichs Pavel Sivakov, who waged a war, a herausforderung Darstellte, hinter sich.

Obwohl der frühe Angriff nicht planted war, teilte Pogacar nach dem Wettbewerb seine Gedanken: “Wir hatten Plane, das Racing unter Controlle zu halten, aber the Racing went faster before, if we were therewartet hatten, and I was not, I thought, aber I go with the flow and zum Glück hat for my functions.”

Schließlich sicherte sich Pogacar den Sieg met een Vorsprung von 34 Sekunden vor Australien’s Ben O’Connor, der die Silbermedaille gewann, während der Titelverteidiger, de Niederlande’ Mathieu van der Poel, de Bronzemedaille gewann en de Verfolgergruppe anführte.

The triumphal procession of the Pogacars seasons that are on the market at the best in sports sports, now that the Mehrfachsieger on verschiedenen Strecken and Terrains is charged, can and will have a sporting character. They note that a remarkable company is formed in those years, boosting the world championships while asserting their position as Kraft’s dominant force in cycling.

In those years you can see the Sieg during the Tour de France, the Giro d'Italia and the Men's Road Race at the Erobert World Championships.

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