
A Comeback with Vision » Ski Weltcup Saison 2024/25 » All News, Herren News, Top News

A Comeback with Vision » Ski Weltcup Saison 2024/25 » All News, Herren News, Top News

On Monday, September 30, the sports world became a special highlight: in the broadcast of “Sport and talk aus dem Hangar-7” on ServusTV, Marcel Hirscher spoke of the eight-time cup competition, his spectacular comeback and the greater Kraft ideas. Gemeinsam with sports legends with Uli Hoeneß and Peter Schröcksnadel are their views on sports discussions.

I don’t have SAP Garden, one of the modern multifunctionals in the world, but Deutlich, with our visionary projects that expand sports rights. This structure is not an architectural masterpiece, but a symbol for that, perhaps greater as the personal attention of Uli Hoene and Dietrich Mateschitz grew in his best work. From SAP Garden, EHC Red Bull Munich and FC Bayern Basketball is a new Heimat and Steht für Innovation and Fortschritt.

Auch Marcel Hirscher is following up on a vision with his comeback: After being absent from active ski racing for a number of years, a new recovery will be made. Hirschers Rückkehr in the Ski Weltcup is a Zeichen dafür, which is no longer one of the high-quality skifahrers of the gold-plated gold-plated ski, but as a jemand, it is still a new high level. Seine Teilnahme an der Sendung said, that is not the sport that is in the Blick hat, but a kind of resistance for the Weiterentwicklung des Sports besitzt.

Neben Hirscher became the ÖSV president together with Uli Hoeneß, chairman of FC Bayern Munich, Peter Schröcksnadel, and Slalom-Weltcupsieger Reinfried Herbst in the Sendung erwartet. Moderate with the conversation of Christian Baier, the Teilnehmern Raum gibt, über ihre Visionen und Erfahrungen im Sport zu sprechen.

Marcel Hirscher would have been on the big Bühne des Skiweltcups with an exciting adventure near the Zukunft and the Seine Rückkehr. It is a fact that the new mass has become a comeback, but it is clear: with a good back, skiing in the Alps can be a different skiing sport and the fans will benefit from it.

Die Gäste der Sendung:

  • Marcel Hirscher (achtfacher Gesamtweltcupsieger)
  • Uli Hoeness (Ehrenpräsident FC Bayern Munich)
  • Peter Schröcksnadel (ehemaliger ÖSV President)
  • Reinfried Herbst (Slalomweltcupsieger 2009/10)
  • Michael Smejkal (Sports journalist, Salzburger Nachrichten)


  • Monday, September 30, from 9:15 PM on ServusTV and ServusTV Aan

The sports world is so popular that Marcel Hirscher sees his return and his well-being as a comeback-styled hat.

Quelle: Servus TV

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