
Tischennis is booming – Badische Zeitung

Tischennis is booming – Badische Zeitung


Dissent is booming


Tanja Obergföll (Vorstand Verwaltung) hat in the Hauptversammlung des TTC Altdorf vom Vereinsgeschehen messageet. The highlight of the seasonal war is the Vereinsheims period, where you can also experience an after-work party in June. I arrive years later that the best price of 75 years has been reached. Finanzvorstand Ralf Beck reported that the financial company was a good thing. The new plats have started and in 2025 they will start. Sechs Jugendteams went to the Spielzeit and the Platten, the Jungen U19 II were able to play a mastery here in the A-Class and became a punk team in the Bezirksliga those years. Weiter Paul König sees Jannik Burkart on Bezirksebene die Ranglisten in his Altersgruppen-souverän für sich separated, he is in a Vereinsbericht. Of the four Herren-Teams, the first part of the Mannschaft could become the Aufstieg-feiern. The second Herren-Mannschaft was completed in the Bezirkspokal bis ins Half-final. Darüber is an Altdorf-seit-jaarbeginn-stützpunkt from Ping-PongParkinson, which trains only 25 people affected by Parkinson’s. Also in the Hobby region there is a large Andrang.


In the new season with the Club 16 Teams (four Men, two Ladies, two Seniors, eight Jugend) in Rennen schicken and sometimes in the whole of Baden-Württemberg with the 20 crew members Vereinen zählen.


Ehrenmitglieder Hubert Geppert, Karl Stückle; 20 Jahre Nadine Hoffmann, Johannes Oswald; 15 Years Martin Deck

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