
Tatort: ​​​​Abgang der Frankfurter Ermittler – Nachfolger stehen bereit

Before they saw the famous theater performer Margarita Broich and Wolfram Koch in their Frankfurter “Tatort” with the title “Kälter als der Tod”. Ausgestrahlt wurde am 17. May 2015. Ihre both figures, Anna Janneke and Paul Brix, went to über insgesamt 19 Folgen started to be empathetic and friendly. They were the successors of Alki commissioner Frank Steier (Joachim Król) and the tough Conny Mey (Nina Kunzendorf), who caused a lot of stress.

Now we experience the friends of Frankfurt with the “Tatort: ​​​​It is grünt so grün, wenn Frankfurts Berge blüh’n” ihren letzten Job. The film war is so enchanted and psychedelic that it ends up in a film by the neighboring Wiesbadener Reviers with Ulrich Tukur as Felix Murot. But the first three weeks of drinking water. Jannekes and Brix’s finale Auftritt erzählte von een Psychotherapists (Matthias Brandt), their sein Leben and der dabei a Blutspur hinter sich herzog. Want to know if you can watch a movie you want to watch? How are things going in Frankfurt?

Are you interested in “Tatort”?

Psychotherapist Tristan Grünfels (Matthias Brandt) imagined that the public started with the murder of that ‘tatort’ being one of the highlights of the experience. So the message is from the entfremdung of seiner Frau (Patrycia Ziolkowska) and the two fast erwachsenen Children (Maja Bons, Niko Jungmann).

Grünfels has no problem: the seelenklemner is playing with his own double. There is Dinge, who sees the other niece – and there is a Blutspur behind her. Ermordet is etwa Menschen, ohne dass is so richtig metbekommt? Janneke and Brix started carrying out a check on the Ordnungsbeamtin in the autumn. Grünfels, as a result of the advocacy by the Frankfurter Police, would have been bitten by Janneke, regretting the hints of her Frau, who themselves made a mistake.

Frankfurter “Tatort”: Worum went es wirklich?

Man is a machine and says: one of the most likely problems Abgang. In der Tat, the drivers Michael Proehl and Dirk Morgenstern have acquired some Krimis in Arthaus-Grenzbereich. Von Proehl, a native Frankfurter, comes from the famous Tukur-Fall „Tatort: ​​​​Im Schmerz born“ (2014). Gemeinsam with Morgenstern writing is also told in the stories from Tukur-Krimi “Tatort: ​​​​Murot und das 1000-year Reich”, from 1944 (!).

The Ermittler Anna Janneke (Margarita Broich, left) and Paul Brix (Wolfram Koch, two from the left) have Rosalie Grünfels (Patrycia Ziolkowska, two from the left) and Senta Grünfels (Maja Bons) a Besuch ab.

The Ermittler Anna Janneke (Margarita Broich, left) and Paul Brix (Wolfram Koch, two from the left) have Rosalie Grünfels (Patrycia Ziolkowska, two from the left) and Senta Grünfels (Maja Bons) a Besuch ab.

And yet it is an interesting psychiatric hard fact in “Tatort: ​​​​Es grünt so grün, wenn Frankfurts Berge blüh’n”. The main characters lead a dissociative movement. If you do that, then the Selbst is in a verschiedene Teile zerfällt, die most grim voneinander unterscheiden. So if one part of Tristan Grünfels nicht wahr, there is another part of his human ermordet – and betracht nur staunend das Ergebnis. Due to the subject and the lunatics that are there, the man in films will die as a dissoziative identity störung – which can be regarded as multiple person störung – quasi “first-hand”.

Have you found the Spieler von Eintracht Frankfurt?

Bundesliga fans, the Frankfurter Eintracht is not so stehen, the name Timothy Chandler is not so popular. Der 34 years ago, a violent American nationality and a common Frankfurter, would only appear sporadically in the Pflichtspiel two years later. Chandler, a great Spasvogel and Kümmerer, team trainee responsible for the integration of Neuzugängen, is in Frankfurt and some fans of the Vereins can have a great Hund.

At a Wohnungsdurchsuchung, Commissioner Paul Brix (Wolfram Koch, left) triffs on an überraschte Reinigungskraft. Played by Fußball-Profi Timothy Chandler – Kultspieler and Spaßvogel in Team von Eintracht Frankfurt. The gebürtige Frankfurter is not even an “overraschungspaket” in the film.

During a Wohnungsdurchsuchung, Kommissar Paul Brix (Wolfram Koch, left) tries on an überraschte Cleaningskraft. Played by Fußball-Profi Timothy Chandler – Kultspieler and Spaßvogel in Team von Eintracht Frankfurt. The gebürtige Frankfurter is not even an “overraschungspaket” in the film.

I am “Tatort: ​​​​It is as green, as Frankfurts Berge is blue” that there is a cleaning kraft in one of the years, in the Janneke and the Brix of a home during such work. Chandler is not the first football professional who dares to make a “Tatort” excursion in the future. Bayern-Spieler und Nationalmannschaftskapitän Joshua Kimmichs plays a fitness trainer in Munich “Tatort”-Folgen “Hackl” (2023) and “Schau mich an” (2024).

Provided welchem ​​beühmten Gemälde were played here?

The Abschiedsfilm for Janneke and Brix is ​​a strong psychedelic image with a double meaning and art obsession. Beispiel gefällig? Psycho-Psychologist Grünfels is busy searching for destiny in a Szene zur Galerie des Freundes. In the video installation, the man can create a romantic atmosphere through Caspar David Friedrich with horror films. In the dunklen Romanticism of the Motivs, a nor dunkleres Monster op de schon verrückten Protagonisten zu.

Tristan Grünfels (Matthias Brandt, left) and his Bruder Hagen (Andreas Schröders) find themselves in desperate need.

Tristan Grünfels (Matthias Brandt, left) and his Bruder Hagen (Andreas Schröders) find themselves in desperate need.

Caspar David Friedrich’s Gemälde is a mega-anxiety saga. Florian Illies in Herbst 2023 erschienenes Buch “Zauber der Silent: Caspar David Friedrich’s Travel during the Times” war No. 1 bestseller in Germany. Zudem fanden und finden major Ausstellungen statt. “Tatort” author and art specialist Dirk Morgenstern said about the film within the film: “Die Installation ist der Spiegel der Seele der Hauptfigur. The Vorbild war natürlich ‘Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer’, an iconographic image of the Sehnsucht der deutschen Seele nach Frieden und Ruhe.’ Diese Ruhe suchte auch „Tatort“ protagonist Grünfels – vergeblich.

Was it inside the Klosprüchen itself?

At Anfang des Films I find Janneke and Brix one of the police informants in a toilette. Brix kannte den Mann Ziemlich gut, interesting since in the Szene aber die Frankfurter Insider-Gags, which are in the Szene über zwei Klosprüche transportieren: “Lieber Grie Soß als brauner Käs” steht da as politic-culinarisches Hessen-Statement (“Frankfurter Grüne So’ is not ‘Handkäs’ mit Musik’ from the local Kultgericht).

And then this is another lesson: “Peter Feldmann makes Offenbach great again.” For Frankfurt-Fremde: Peter Feldmann war of the lost Oberbürgermeister der Stadt, der von den Bürgern abgewählt wurde and Offenbach is, well, the small, poor Nachbar, über the man himself in Frankfurt is a pleasant power. Der Spruch is of course in nature an after Donald Trump’s slogan ‘Make America Great Again’ (in German: Macht Amerika wieder großartig), and the man will abkürzt the MAGA.

Who else could use the Frankfurter “Tatort”?

The Berliner Margarita Broich and her resident Wolfram Koch lived in Frankfurt for a long time, living in common and willingly, her time in the Mailmetropole was spent. They would like to see the theater and a private herausforderung that sets the ankle (Aussage von Broich). The following list was made at the end of July 2024: Es since Melika Foroutan (48) and Edin Hasanović (32), who watered in the first “Tatort” in Herbst 2024, the first in the 2025/26 season – also after the summer break 2025 – so see signal wird.

With the latest ‘Tatort’ teams committed to the traditional, innovative Hessian Rundfunk Neuland: De Fokus von Foroutans und Hasanovićs Ermittlungen liegt auf Cold Cases, als ungeklärten Mordfällen und Tötungsdelikten aus der Vergangenheit. Vielleicht erleben we also regularly experience crime in Frankfurt. (tsch)