
Was both Sturm and auch Brügge ankreuzen

Was both Sturm and auch Brügge ankreuzen

Das zweite Spiel von Ferdinand Feldhofer in seiner Amtszeit as Rapid-Trainer fand im December 2021 in Belgium at KRC Genk statt. „Damals live in my own environment, in my opinion in the press conference, and in a few bright moments I live in it“, if Jan-Pieter Martens diebisch, that is one of the playing colleges at SK Sturm a small stretch of games can be enjoyed. Wobei Kollege nicht der striking Begriff ist. While the bindings, which had been in the training of Jahrhundert trainer Ivica Osim for a year, were ready to play.

Sturm’s “Männerfriendships”

Martens himself founded four Jahrhundert später von “Mannerfreundschaften”. It is not the case that only people have contact with dams, but a larger part of the cadres. “As you will see a few years later, if you are a false Zeitpunkt, it can be a passion, if you are some kind of person who travels at night,” grins the Belgier.

Jan-Pieter Martens 2021 with Ferdinand Feldhofer, young adults at Sturm

Jan-Pieter Martens 2021 with Ferdinand Feldhofer, young adults at Sturm


In that time it will take a while for a few days to come from 50 years ago. Since the beginning of July, Martens is the leader of the Scouting-Abteilung des Club Brügge. Those who want the Zufall so badly will take their action and their evil referee in the Champions League. Been active since 1998 with Sturm Meister. In the Double-Saison 1999, the offensive with an emotional Last-Minute-Tor in Derby is certainly one of the best titles, a fixplatz in the Vereinsgeschichte.

Logically, it is a fact that the Österreich is booming. If internal information concerns the quality of the analyses, the analysis of the highest professional group is: “There are extras that can be added.” Martens informs her everything about Sturm and puts the data in the socket.

In Klagenfurt there is a game on the Augenhöhe, which is the following for both major players: „Nach der Auslosung schaust du sofort, in welchen Spielen etwas möglich ist. That is why you look at the House Brügge angekreuzt. As far as we are concerned, this is a good thing.” The dominance at Manchester City is played by the Wahrscheinlichkeit on a small matter. “If a man in Europe wants to be better, he is as good for his sport as he is for his own game, but he will win. That means a whole new life,” says Martens. Bridge has a function when playing Dortmund with 0:3 das Nachsehen.

It was a huge fan base, which Sturm and Brügge were very enthusiastic about. Rein von den Titeln her habe der 19-fache belgische Meister die größere Historie. “We are proud of our benchmark in Belgium,” said Martens after four Master Titles in five years. In the Jupiler Pro League, the Spitze knitter in the Bundesliga, in Salzburgerland there is a financially high-quality contract with gold-plated titles.

Warum es Sturm must have great power

At Red Bull it is true that Tod von Dietrich Mateschitz is a bit good, while he can now see the Hut, while Sturm gets the “Bullen” with the Thron gestoßen hat. From the trainer’s sports director to his chief scout, Martens is proud of his long-term career in Graz: “I am a big helper.” One of the most important punks for the company is that you take the time to go, that you brauchen. Man muss auch lernen, zammenzuarbeiten. That is a must for Sturm.”

Singer Jan-Pieter Martens 1999 with the heavy Sturm-Kickern Ranko Popovic, Markus Schopp, Gilbert Prilasnig and Darko Milanic

Singer Jan-Pieter Martens 1999 with the heavy Sturm-Kickern Ranko Popovic, Markus Schopp, Gilbert Prilasnig and Darko Milanic


The strategy of Sturms sports chief Andreas Schicker, who makes potential investments and derives his profits from its functionality. In Bruges man greift schon longer inheritance on dieses Mittel zurück. “If the Belgian Klub is a man who enters an Ausbildungsverein,” says the 50-year-old, “when the price rises, it is often the autumn, it is best to play. That is no different than Sturm’s, perhaps with the unterschied, that we could stop the player for a longer period of time.” These are the thoughts of this Summer of Fall: “Für unseren Sechser Raphael Onyedika or der Rechtaußen Andreas Skov Olsen was present on Tag The transfer period was no longer successful, so I’m not done yet.” Seehen, the first 19-year-old Antonio Nusa, for the Leipzig 21 Million Euro, hinblätterte: „There is a good development, it must be done first, there are Explodiers wird.”

Solche Rohdiamanten zu entdecken, does not see Martens as his first appointment as head of Scouting. The talent of the hobenen Güteklasse is intended for the dating basic Scouting tools that are all available. “It is more of a fact that the right profile is set on the right profile, the contact act with your friends and the recognition of them will be a direct source of strength in the next months.” The human component is a heavy weight.

Jan-Pieter Martens (l.) stands next to the first Siegen Sturms in the Champions League in der Startelf

Jan-Pieter Martens (l.) stands next to the first Siegen Sturms in the Champions League in der Startelf


The framework has been set up by Sturm einst Osim and Manager Heinz Schilcher. Martens is still not involved in the duo’s team, but the team’s internal chemistry is now a bad target: ‘I compared it to a boy band in my role. Gili Prilasnig war against the student and the music side. There is a war, so if it is fought, it will be damned.

First of the big brothers in the Champions League, then the Steigerung

Der Erfolg in dieser Ära hat der Stimmung bestimmt nicht haart. In Champions-League-Ebene, Sturm-damals has a learning process. The first siege of Dinamo Zagreb and Marseille was Martens’ best CL memory. Selbige was first born in the Second King’s Class Year, in the Belgian Family War: “I spent the first year in our own time playing in our own punk. Phased wars in de Ordnung, trotzdem is one of the major bruder-vorgekommen. I’ve been working on fall for two years. The hat with the Gefühl, now right for dazuzugehören. For my personal war it is a good idea, a bigger part of the manship of his life.”

In the battle we won, Lehrgeld stood out to the active Sturm generation in the Champions League. A good stage is all of the Royal Class. International Scouts look genau hin. Which Sturm-Spieler is interesting for Brugge? Martens hung around and laughed: “That’s the story of this day at Donnerstag.”