
Omid Nouripour at Caren Miosga: “It’s relativ fell dummies Sow über die Grünen” | Politics

Omid Nouripour at Caren Miosga: “It’s relativ fell dummies Sow über die Grünen” | Politics

The power of the “Titanic” in an Eisberg, and Capital thanks the Reederei for its beautiful Uniform. Satire? Nein – Grüne!

Party leader Omid Nouripour (49), who joined Caren Miosga (55) in the first talk show after seinem Rücktritt, had first become self-conscious and personally aware of: “I wolllte den Job! There is a privilege and an honor.”

And so Nouripour says: „I owe my party to what happened. I was a niece, I was a real party.”

First came to face the separated Green Chef with a price-critical statement: “Aber natürlich haben wir Fehler gemacht. Be that as it may, Fehler will not get power, but it will not be so.”

The attitude of the co-chef is: “Ricarda Lang and I have a strong family”, Wiederholte Nouripour. Therefore, it is a milder thought process: “If you are relatively happy with the greenery, everything is forbidden, and we will not be able to have robust pleasure and heart pleasure and fast pleasure during the day.”

Nouripour and Lang Erklärten am Mittwoch Ihren Rücktritt as Party Chefs

Nouripour and Lang Erklärten am Mittwoch Ihren Rücktritt as Party Chefs

Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa

“I was happy in this job,” he said, “and if we were a man, then that would be a good thing, that man who could not bring time to the end, then that was natural, it would not be easy.”

Glaubhaftere Rücktrittsgründe schwächte der Noch-Parteichef nach Kraften ab: “Die Wahlergebnisse were jetzt nicht berauschend, im Gegenteil”, stood there everhin. “And if we have the Verantwortungethos, the man is the Verantwortung übernimmt for the Wahlergebnisse.”

When we announced the Capitulation, it became unclear: “Ich weiß es gar nimmer”, behauptete Nouripour. “Wir haben 100 000 Mal telefoniert. If the man was as intervened as Ricarda Lang and I, then it is Ende, we wanted to say something, but no more, was the man he noticed.”

The gratitude of the new grim men on the Green Spielte Miosga an appropriate essay: “They have been put in the service of the Sache, these sacrifices have been brought,” Habeck lobbed the glücklosen Chefs in ZDF, “and that was not forgotten.” became .”

“The sound is as good as this after a thorough inspection, Herr Nouripour,” the Talkmaster commented with great clarity. “They always had to laugh…”

Nouripour with breitem Grinsen: “The Vertrauensverhältnis zu Robert Habeck It is no different, and it will not be different.”

If most people have an ‘Übergangskoalition’, then Nouripour nicht zurück: ‘I am happy, that is not a super-harmonic Koalition became and that Vakuum after Ära Merkel of our as Koalition not more fulfilled.’

Lauterbach brought Miosga to Lachen with Merkel-Satz

Auch Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (61, SPD) has said with a zitat preführt: “If Olaf Scholz is the best Bundeskanzler, he will see Miosga”.

“If you have lived for a while, nothing has gone smoothly. Energiewende, Abhängigkeit vom russischen Gas, Bundeswehr kaputtgespart …”, energy of the Minister is very drauflos.

Lauterbach's amüsierte de Runde mit dem Merkel's bekanntestem Satz “Wir kosten das”

Lauterbach enjoys the run with Merkel’s support Satz “Wir purchase das”

Photo: Das Erste/ARD

“The SPD was always guaranteed!” the Talkmaster promptly reminded, but Lauterbach ignored the hand: “I spoke to Olaf Scholz, not the SPD.” That would be the case with Merkel as the Finance Minister and Vice Chancellor war, as Lauterbach will continue to do so. dem Tisch.

Statistics have brought the minister to the floor and responded critically to Merkel-Zitat “Wir purchase das” and erntete dafür schallendes Gelächter. While the Wähler remains in place, the Ampelianer has lost its Humor.