
Aufräumen: So I have lived for 24 years and ended up living my life

Aufräumen: So I have lived for 24 years and ended up living my life

After 24 years, the car wants to end the lifespan of the device.

After 24 years, the authorization will expire during the time the device is used.
Thanks to the author

I appreciate my creativity as an explanation for my unordained life.

Mein 140 Quadratmeter bigger Keller is still with Edge with things completed.

I think I put an end to the results and I did things that I thought, I couldn’t even talk.

This is a machine tool that contains an article from Business Insider’s US columns. There is automatic processing and a real editing assignment.

Ein Schild and my office Bürotür zu Hause said: “Kreative Menschen haben keine Unordnung; I have a very good idea.” I have used my “kreativität” as an answer, and the waiting meeting has made a small difference in my house in solving it. Das Chaos is one of the best things I’ve done on the Keller with over 140 square meters. I wish, I have to notice it.

Aufräumen fürs Leben – nicht fürs Verkaufen

If the chaos doesn’t last beyond childhood, my “baby” will last 29 years. I am not a minimalist. If the Aufräumarbeiten penetrate into the Haus Meiner Eltern, great chaos will ensue in the hinterland – and not chaos.

If I look at my opinion, then it is true that a Häuser for the purchase vorzubereiten, room I ich auf, weil ich a Weile in my House bleiben will.

I reloaded the checklist and checklist. If the war confuses me, a problem will arise if the impulse, or becomes loose. Vielleicht ritt ich auf der Freude des Besitzens meines eigenen Hauses, met een Ehemann en zwei Kindern nach mageren Years, in denen ich een Autoladung Gegenstände von Miete zu Miete (15-mal in 12 Jahren) bewegte.

If a complicated process has arisen, one of my own choices and my opinions about my work, my personal or inner tension has not disappeared.

Playing a game is mechanical

I see a small upwelling, with a scale, a skimpy or a regal one. Here’s the trick: I have a great care for the physical appearance of the baby – a coffee meal with Schlagsahne or a pedicure. When the music comes on, a timer and a blank time are set.

Nor more Spaß power es, Entrümpelungs-Buddies zu find – Menschen, die Euch nicht verurteilen en Zeit mit Euch und Euren Sachen verringen können. If there is a lie, there is no professional organizer of a war, war is also a game terminology. When you are busy with your sister or sister, you have to take the costs or costs into account. My thoughts and the best parties, complete with Essen and Getränken, a unique cabinet with family photos through time.


I am a professional entrepreneur: With three tips I can spend my childhood, the concept of “Aufräumen” will be improved

Erinnerungen and Gedanken festhalten

When I start aspirating, I start with the Schublade, learn the Behälter. And if you do – how to take the snake out of your studies, if you do, my friend from school is in the work focused, that perücke, who is at the best Halloween party of all time, and the briefing of all, if I am Lagerwar.

Beim Aufräumen I often sit with a wine. Dann mache ich Fotos, nehme meine dankt op or schreibe een Reflexion, een de Geschichte Festzuhalten, het is de kostenlos op de Gegenstand, often de Geschichte, de kostenbar ist. I am separated from the fact that history would be preserved and the opposition would be released.

Spend, spend, spend

If all goes well, it may happen that money is spent, sold or recycled.

I am in my own local BuyNothing-Group on Facebook beigetreten, woman a photo of “Gifts” post and Nachbarn zu Euch nach Hause comes, an abzuholen. I have become loose: Kaputte Buntstifte; more hundert Gummibände; half used Kerzen; If you have a small blazer with even more attached labels, you will see my wild members from France, who always love my fuße.

Then I confronted my enemies with a “COST FREE” shield and saw who was being dragged away. I make another bet on the level of Tierheim and in a simple way a nahegelegen obdachloseneinrichtung. The Vietnam Veterans of America schleppten Dutzende von Kisten aus meinem Haus.

For everything else used in a city, electronics, paper, plastic, metal and textiles are recycled and a “Mitnehmen or lassen” hat, a household treasure, is issued.

After 24 Years of Alten Dingen Abschied nehmen

Ich mache Fortschritte. When I am in the Lage, my part of the story will be adopted in the Wissen. When you serve others, and in Donna Summer’s Worten, “have the last Tanz, the last Chance, for the Love”.

Ivy Eisenberg is a writer and teacher in White Plains, New York. You can read a memoir about the history of the 1960s in Queens, a town in New York City.


I live in an unorganized home – I would love to live there