
Dachser & Fercam Italia: Gemeinschaftsunternehmen will Wachstum in Italy and Europe sichern

Dachser & Fercam Italia: Gemeinschaftsunternehmen will Wachstum in Italy and Europe sichern

Dachser and Fercam have a strong partnership. Photo: Dachser

Zum 28. March 2024 hat Dachser 80 Prozent der Anteile des Gemeinschaftsunternehmens Dachser & Fercam Italia übernommen. Damit is the Zukauf der Mehrheit der Stückgut- und Kontraktlogistiksparten or italienisch Logistikunternehmens Fercam abgeschlossen. So the Unternehmen look in the Zukunft.

After the legal approval and immunity by the EU Commission in November 2023, Fercam started both Geschäftsbereiche Distribution and Logistics with approximately 1,000 employees and 43 offices in Italy. So an independent operational organization for plaster and contract logistics in Italy is being formed. Since the beginning of the Community of Dachser & Fercam Italy, the operative activities will begin, and after an additional phase, they will be discharged on March 28, 2024.

Aufteilung der Unternehmensanteile

20 Prozent der Anteile des Gemeinschaftsunternehmens bleiben im Besitz der Fercam SpA Die Geschäftsbereiche Fercam Transport (national and international Road and Shipping Services), Fercam Air & Ocean and Fercam Special Services (Kunst- and Messelogistik, Umzugsdienste and Relocation Services as well as Archivdienste and Dokumentenverwaltung einsch ließlich All Auslandsgesellschaften are not affected by the Transaction and are huntprozentigen Besitz der Fercam-Gruppe.

“Dachser & Fercam Italia has developed a European network for transport and bearing of industrial and consumer goods,” says Burkhard Eling, CEO of Dachser. “If the Zukauf has a major challenge, you can work with a number of quality standards and production standards in Europe. Dafür has also been invested in logistics, digitalization, air conditioning and especially in our operational management in Italy.”

Wachstum in Italy and Europe

“The success of the research and development of the research network is the result of the positive development and the positive development in Italy and Europe in itself,” says Hannes Baumgartner, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter von Fercam. “The tragic family reunification of the passing years and years that are endless, that both family entrepreneurs Fercam and Dachser make long-term plans and the gleichen Werte parts. That is the herausung of the new Unternehmens Dachser & Fercam Italia auf all Ebenen erleichtert.”

Integration into the Dachser-Netzwerk begins

Dachser and Fercam have a strong partnership. Now the full integration into the Dachser system and processes can be started.

“Dachser & Fercam Italia is with its senior management team of Managing Director Dr. “Gianfranco Brillante, “Signing good results and motivating solutions and modern logistics and systems” explains Alexander Tonn, COO Road Logistics at Dachser. “I am a European and logistics service provider of Dachser who ensures that the Unternehmen will do new Wachstumschances im Export.”

Supreme of the Mitarbeiter

The improvement of the construction and construction trades of Fercam is the third major takeover, the Dachser zum Ausbau seines Transport- und Logistiknetzwerks in Europe. Dachser paints in a new Business Line European Logistics with no existing standorte in Italy, so that no double structures are established. In this way, all employees of Fercam-Sparten Distribution und Logistics were included in the joint ventures of Dachser & Fercam Italia.

Since 2017, Dachser has been active in the Food Logistics business line, the transport and storage of the kühlten Lebensmitteln kümmert, with three locations and around 270 employees in Italian locations. Dachser Italy Food Logistics has more of its own businesses on the market under the leadership of Country Manager Roberto Specos.