
Telekom started App, die Google Maps schlagen soll

Telekom started App, die Google Maps schlagen soll

With Goodride, Telekom proposes in its new app. Different when it comes to smartphones that work with the Hause Telekom is a navigation app that offers many practical functions. Sogar Google Maps can be found in the Treasures.

goodride: Telekom started Mobility-App

The mobile phone app often works on a smartphone. If you come with the DB Navigator for longer journeys, or one or more e-scooter versions with your apps, a whole mobile phone – and Google Maps, what would it be like, what is the woman? That’s the bare minimum.

Die Telekom said the App Chaos in the Kampf and with my next new app goodride. They will solve all the problems that arise once in a while. Schon zum Start können Nutzerinnen en Nutzer E-Scooter, Busse en Bahnen anyway Radverleih in Goodride Nutzen. Cars are offered in the category of car sharing, driving and the classic tax return has found its way into the Telekom app.

goodride - Bus, Bahn and sharing

goodride – Bus, Bahn and sharing

Telekom MobilitySolutions

goodride - Bus, Bahn and sharing

goodride – Bus, Bahn and sharing

Telekom MobilitySolutions

Google Maps in view: the power of the Telekom App is available

For everything Function die expensively Konkurrenz aber alt aussehen welding. The Telekom writes:

Verschiedene Verkehrsmittel a combination can be madefrom A nach B zu gelangen. This includes additional transportation services, car sharing, bike sharing, scooters, taxis and other mobility services.

Google Maps, which offers a number of navigation devices, offers an overview of the navigation view that is not even as simple as the definition. In Real time it’s good for Goodride Information about possible Verspätungen or other Fahrplanänderungen geben, verspricht die Telekom.

Goodride is a varied Buchung version Offered directly in the app, including the combined programs. The price will be set pointlessly and transparently by Telekom, one of the options available.

According to KI-Analyse, it is a more personal approach for Nutzer to base his experience of good riding on his experiences. Look at the Angebot der Telekom-letztlich gegen Platzhirsch Google durchsetzen kann, muss sich first said. It was a good ride, it was a story, that’s all in the fall season.

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