
Wetter – Herbstlicher Wochenstart: First Sun, then Rain and Clouds – Panorama

Wetter – Herbstlicher Wochenstart: First Sun, then Rain and Clouds – Panorama

Berlin/Potsdam (dpa/bb) – After a few days of sunshine during the winter holidays Rain clouds and spicy temperatures on people in Berlin and Brandenburg. The Laut Deutschem Wetterdienst (DWD) has given the East Main City Region its end, which the night will bring with it.

It’s not that things aren’t going well. At temperatures up to 16 degrees, the tags are lighter from clouds. On the night the service starts, watch DWD as the clouds rise and start to rain. Nur in der Uckermark und vertlang der Oder bleiben de Niederschläge zunächst aus. At night the Tiefstwerte lie from 6 to 4 degrees.

The service focuses on the rain on the rest of Brandenburg, the power outages are kaum. Die Höchstwerte lies at 11 Grad in der Uckermark, 14 Grad in Berlin, anyway bis zu 17 Grad in der Elbe-Elster-Niederung. In the night the temperature drops to 4 degrees.

Zur Mitte der Woche is after the activation of the DWD, resulting in a lot of clouds and rain. Die Höchstwerte lies in the Mittwoch on 15 Grad. Auch in der Nacht zum Donnerstag ändert sich bis zu 6 Grad wenig and the Aussichten der previous Tage.

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