
Börsen-Drama in Asia: China auf Höhenflug, Japan im free Fall: Longfor-Aktie, Country Garden-Aktie & Co. have in China-Trade an

Börsen-Drama in Asia: China auf Höhenflug, Japan im free Fall: Longfor-Aktie, Country Garden-Aktie & Co. have in China-Trade an

A Börsen in Asia comes to the Montag with intense Turbo lenses.

Extreme Kursbewegungen kennzeichnen am Montag das Bild und de Aktienmarken in Ostasien. In Tokyo the Nikkei 225 Index is a 4.7 Prozent ein 37,962 Punkte, in Shanghai and in Hong Kong the increase is higher. The Shanghai Composite Composite-Index in Shanghai shoots a 5.7 Prozent nach oben, the Hang Seng in Hong Kong has another Satz a 3.3 Prozent.

Wahl und Gewinnmitnahmen sorgen für Kursdebakel in Tokyo

Dass der Markt in Tokyo is a major enterprise die Freitag unmittelbar nach Börsenschluss bereits abgezeichnet, als der Yen mit dem Wahlsieg von Shigeru Ishiba zum new Chef of the Regierungspartei LDP and a design of the Japanese Premier massif hates and the Futures on the Nikkei-225 were eingeknickt. Ishiba – otherwise one of the LDP leaders as a lawmaker – hates rising sentiments in Japan in Vorfeld. A Yen’s power comes from $146, it’s down $143, and it’s running at $142.24 and up. If the export goes to a Japanese export, others in Australia will make their money and in Yen increase the profits of the foreign economies.

Treating the Kursabsturz daneben aber auch met Gewinnmitnahmen, nachdemes in the Wochen or German nach oben gegangen war. If Japanese industrial production in August appears in the form of a 3.3 product, it has become likely that German was considered prognostic. It complicates the von der Notenbank eingeschlagenen Weg allmählicher Zinserhöhungen, so Händler.

The Chinese Government has made a very large contribution to the real estate sector

A Chinese bank has more diverse incentives for the purple economy, which have become more diverse in previous years due to the Chinese nut bank falling under the bank’s debt. which were informed by the Politbüro.

The young maßnahme is the Ankündigung vom Wochenende, Hauskäufern the Refinancing ihrer Hypotheken zu ermöglichen. Der Schritt marks a walk in art and well-being, while the Chinese are abbézahling Krediet in their homes, and it is very nice to make the maßnahmen of the long term of the real estate sector that works effectively over time. Bisher konnten fell Chinese Hauskäufer with besthenden Mortgages nicht unmittelbar von de Zinssenkungen profitable.

The banks respond quickly. The China Construction Bank and the Agricultural Bank of China are active in the Sontabend, which has become one of the best mortgages of the Zinssätze, and verprachen, the Zinssätze started on October 31.

China’s Immoaktien im Höhenflug

The next step is the enormous investment in undertaking further real estate activities. China Vanke has a value of 12.9, Longfor is a value of 19.1 percent or Country Garden Services is a value of 9.5 percent.

“The Rally may continue a strong course, while a new Chinese move is in the Ganges, the risks are one of the most exciting results and higher expectations on sinking,” the Phillip Securities Research Team said of the active Low.
Anyone who does not yet have Chinese financial policy and fiscal support needs a new business manager. The Caixin index for the service leistungsgewerbe that deteriorated in September and is still not good in the Schwelle, which is on the Chinese expansion. The state index is exactly at the Schwellenwert 50.0 zurück, the index for the industry that is marketed day in and day out, is perhaps even better in the history of the economy.

It was worth it to carry out the delivery in Shanghai and Hong Kong, while the service was one of the main costs. In Schanghai you can easily view this golden Woche at the next Woche. Please note that you can gain your experience neither in the long run, but in rolls during the warm-up.

Redaktion with material from Dow Jones

Ausgewählte Hebelproductie at Agricultural Bank of China (H)

With knockouts, a speculative attack can partizipier an überproportional and Kursbewegungen. Wählen Sie one of the gewünschten Hebel and with the right open-end products at Agricultural Bank of China (H)
