
Burnout: more Lehrer in Luxembourg since vom Job überlastet

Burnout: more Lehrer in Luxembourg since vom Job überlastet

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BurnoutLet me be more Lehrer in Luxembourg and vom Job überlastet

LUXEMBOURG – The Lehrergewerkschaften have taken over the maximum capacity of the Lehrkräfte. The storytelling problem is bigger.

Nicholas Martin

Nicholas Martin

The problems of the child power are the lehrernende schwer.

The problems of the child power are the lehrernende schwer.

«Let me remove the liquid from the device and rinse it out.» Since the beginning of the Schuljahres schlägt de Gewerkschaft SNE-CGFP Alarm in Bezug auf de enormous Gesundheit der Lehrer. Laut’s chairman, Patrick Remakel, founded the Zahl derjenigen, the «der Schule den Rücken kehren». If you want to do something, it is a matter of working, as it is, the more Lehrer can also work, ohne with children to work.

Among the “manchmal nur vorübergehenden” Ausstiegsmöglichkeiten is one of the Anträge van Abordnungen and the Regional Directorate, the Ministerium, the Ausbildungsinstitut für Lehrberufe (IFEN) or the Service for Coordination of Research and Innovation Pedagogy and Technology (Script). “We will always be happy in the last few days when we are ready to celebrate,” he said in the words of the Ministerium.

«Man hear:

Patrick Remakel

Warum brechen die Lehrer zeeammen? «Man hears: ‹Wir können nicht mehr, wir since am Ende›», messaged Patrick Remakel. One of the Ursachen is in the rising Zahl von Schülern with its understaffing, which prevents the best sources from reaching the mass. “Trotz ihres Engagements es die Lehrer nicht, das zu tun, was sie eigentlich tun wollen”, fügt er hindzu.

While the small classes, comfortable accommodation and Lehrer’s holiday home in Luxembourg are required, Patrick Remakel says: ‘It is not the big of the class, the job is some kind of swinging power. When it comes to more classes, it is worth using the Störfaktoren.» If the stay and vacation abroad are completed, an attractive appeal to your machine, it will be worth a little effort, so Remake. Joelle Dame von der Gewerkschaft SEW-OGBL has appeared on a light study, who experienced a burnout 30 years ago and took over working conditions in his private life 45 years later.

For Joelle Dame, Inclusion did not function. If you no longer have a problem with undermining your problem, you may experience narrative problems. The factory is confronted with: «A few minor frustrations, aggressive, traumatized Schüler mit Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten and Problemen dem Unterricht zu folgen. Sie sind nicht 28 Stunden pro Woche beschulbar.» One of the few things that last a few years, a Hilfe that does it.

“Zwischen Schülern with besonderem Förderbedarf, der Waltungsarbeit and them Druck seitens der Direktion cann der Lehrer nicht alles leisten”, criticism from SEW-OGBL. «Man has the happiness, that the children will cope with their problems. Früher war is a pro Schule, then a pro Zyklus and heute a pro Klasse.”

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