close Der Schwarzwaldhof – Lauter Liebe Der Schwarzwaldhof – Lauter Liebe

Feature film Germany 2012

If Max puts an end to Veronika, the fact is that it is vernachlässigt. Ihre Beziehung dries in Routine zu erstarren. Veronikas Jugendschwarm Richard’s district in the hotel is a start, this is the area. Sohn Stefan has lost Ewa in the charming Altenpflegerin, who is a big sick person. We see it better and better in the younger years when the Schwester Merle sails with the seine.

Die Geschäfte im Schwarzwaldhof laufen gut. Veronika was able to put an end to his movement with his life partner Max, with his final thoughts. Seither aber fühlt Max is vernachlässigt. The romantic stuff is lighter than the Alltags routine. The experience of the skilled pianists Richard Cornelius Macht de Sache nicht leichter: The weltgewandte kunstler is Veronikas Jugendliebe. Even though it’s not true, when you’re in the middle of the party, you start flirting. Max breads for Eifersucht. Junior chef Stefan has taken a first look at the charming Polin Ewa, who brings in a couple like Altenpflegerin for his great Albert. Auch Albert ist von Ewas unbefangener Art verzaubert. Stefans Schwester Merle must admit that he is in a Sackgasse tie with Chefkoch Martin. The ambitious Kochkünstler thinks neither nor a job. Drinking alcohol reduces stress and makes you shine in the body. Vergeblich versucht Merle, ihm zu helfen.