
Schockwellen nach Kurz-Ära und Corona-Einschränkungen mitentscheidend

Schockwellen nach Kurz-Ära und Corona-Einschränkungen mitentscheidend

The Morgengespräch von Rai South Tyrol war is gewidmet on the Tag nach der Nationalratswahl deutlich unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen. I am talking to Ariane Lobert, an analysis by the Österreich correspondent Benedikt Sauer das Wahlergebnis.

Because the ÖVP has not started and the Erfolge der Ära Kurz has started, war with Sauer ends. The Rückschritt on Platz 2 puts an end to the FPÖ if Niederlage goes down.

It takes a while before other Schockwell rifles, which the Ermittlungen against Sebastian Kurz weigh from Verdachts op Korruption und Falschaussage ausgelöst hatte. The following turbo lenses have a powerful effect on a Wähler effect.

If inflation has been high for years, the ruling party can have a damaging effect.

On other pages, the Austrian correspondent Benedikt Sauer is aware of the historical best experience of the FPÖ for all two Gründe geben: If there is a general legal trend in Europe, the man will be one of the East German countries that could.

A wider – Austrian-specific – Grund seien the consequences of the Corona pandemic. “FPÖ-Obmann Wolfgang Kickl is a man who, through the elections and the consequences, offers the fight against the Corona pandemic every possible opportunity,” Sauer said. The coronavirus has caused a lot of damage and there is enormous criticism. These final cuts were accompanied by a few Wählern zu weit.

Who is Benedikt Sauer non in Österreich, more information can be found here in the morning.