
MÄRKTE EUROPE/Etwas leichter – Autos unter Druck mit Stellantis | 30.09.24

MÄRKTE EUROPE/Etwas leichter – Autos unter Druck mit Stellantis | 30.09.24

FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)–It was easier to get Europe’s shares to start trading. The main result of this process is that you can solve all possible problems. After the rally and the rally in the hallways we were won and new favorites were made for the annual race. Anyway, at the DAX level, a level of 19,000 is not possible. From the DAX value 0.3 Prozent on 19,417 Punkte der Euro-Stoxx-50 to 0.4 Prozent on 5,046 Zähler.

Since our country has a good view of China, enormous support measures for the economic growth will start. This concerns the Chinese Chinese individual manager indices vom Morgen bij. The data from the industrial and service sectors was politically driven by increasing criticism from the underworld. The Nikkei-Schwäche goes with Shigeru Ishiba’s Wahl to the new Prime Minister in the Zusamenhang, as a criticism of the lockers Money politics of the Bank of Japan gold-plated.

I am in Europe working on German inflation for September. The Verbraucherpreise (CPI) was formed by a new form. I am fully satisfied with the Veröffentlichung der Europaweiten Zahlen an. Inflation in the eurozone will increase from 2.2 to 1.8 percent in September. It is the first time that you lie an EZB soul of 2 Prozent about three years later.

DAX hat Potenzial up to 20,500 Punkte

If you want to make more money spending the DAX after purchasing Marcel Mußler, there are no potential problems. The charting technology is available on the new medium trend channel from 20,500.

No German car manufacturer on the Verliererspur

The German carmaker is running rampant in China. Ihr Marktanteil sank dort auf 20.3 nach im Vorjahr 22.4 Prozent,berichtet der Autoverband VDA. Before you get to many years later, this will be less than 26 percent. That erneute VWGain warning prints the Aktien um 2.9 Prozent. When you are no longer taxed, it is in Trade. Then the pressure on business and politics with the issue of tariffs and the debate about a work violation became neither a problem.

In Europe it is not the case that Stellantis and Aston Martin In the series of warnings that Hersteller has reached, the son of BMW and Mercedes dies. Stellantis is worth 9.4 percent, Aston Martin is 8 percent. Something for Porsche, Mercedes and BMW is 1.9 percent. In Japan, Title wie Toyota sogar über 7 Prozent had fallen. Professional investors want to start their quarters of the years in the car industry, which are in business.

Exemplary for the cost structure of car repairers with Stellantis. See the agent Marge who nur noch zwischen 5.5 and 7.0 Prozent. Analysts with Jefferies have 8.3 Prozent erwartet.

At Baywa it is 6.2 Prozent higher. The other agricultural trading companies are also supplied by Mittel. Those who have the second generation will receive the best creditworthiness loans of more than 500 million euros and will grow longer. The financing was pretty much the end of the years.

Formycon is supplied in its work with a profit from the nachbörslichen Handel and notieren nur noch 1.7 Prozent höher. Formycon and his partner Fresenius Kabi received the US-Zulassung for his Medikament Otulfi treatment.

At Hensoldt it is a 3.2 Prozent nach oben. Here the Deutsche Bank has tried a Kaufempfehlung.


Stock index will be +/- % absolute +/- % YTD

Euro-Stoxx-50 5,047.33 -0.4% -20.12 +11.6%

Stoxx-50 4,488.57 -0.1% -6.43 +9.7%

DAX 19,419.09 -0.3% -54.54 +15.9%

MDAX 27,126.96 -0.3% -83.18 -0.0%

TecDAX 3,435.40 -0.3% -10.98 +2.9%

SDAX 14,152.97 -0.4% -57.39 +1.4%

FTSE 8,311.24 -0.1% -9.52 +7.6%

CAC 7,730.57 -0.8% -61.22 +2.5%

Interest market will definitely be +/- YTD

Dt. Zehnjahresrendite 2.13 0 -0.44

VS-Zehnjahresrendite 3.77 +0.02 -0.11

DISCOVER Zuletzt +/- % Mon, 8:22 Fri, 5:10 % YTD

EUR/USD 1.1168 +0.1% 1.1162 1.1172 +1.1%

EUR/JPY 158.91 +0.1% 158.34 159.71 +2.1%

EUR/CHF 0.9412 +0.3% 0.9400 0.9410 +1.4%

EUR/GBP 0.8340 -0.1% 0.8342 0.8335 -3.9%

USD/JPY 142.31 +0.0% 141.89 142.94 +1.0%

GBP/USD 1.3391 +0.1% 1.3380 1.3404 +5.3%

USD/CNH (offshore) 6.9965 +0.2% 6.9957 6.9835 -1.8%


BTC/USD 64,548.95 -2.0% 64,667.30 66,301.50 +48.2%

ROHÖL jijetzt VT-Settlem. +/- % +/- USD % YTD

WTI/Nymex 68.59 68.18 +0.6% +0.41 -2.9%

Brent/ICE 72.63 71.98 +0.9% +0.65 -3.6%

METALLE jijetzt Vortag +/- % +/- USD % YTD

Gold (Spot) 2,656.74 2,658.43 -0.1% -1.69 +28.8%

Silver (Spot) 31.53 31.64 -0.3% -0.11 +32.6%

Platinum (Spot) 994.51 1,004.05 -0.9% -9.54 +0.3%

Kupfer-Future 4.59 4.54 +1.1% +0.05 +16.2%

YTD cared about Schlussstand des Vortags



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 30, 2024 03:54 ET (07:54 GMT)