
Central Group übernimmt Schweizer Warenhauskette completely

Central Group übernimmt Schweizer Warenhauskette completely

After the bankruptcy of the Signa-Gruppe, the Thai employees of the Globus company are active. Had happened with the fun Liegenschaften in Zurich, Basel and Bern, is not offensive.

It had happened with the Globus Liegenschaften, it has not happened yet.

Had happened with the Globus-Liegenschaften, it has not happened yet.

Christian Beutler / Keystone

It was a fact that the Zukunft von Globus had been cleared: the Thai Central Group of the Chirathivat Family was the employee of the Schweizer Warenhauskette fully. Because Central am Montag is the best, after the NZZ has received its messages. The Chirathivats besassen 50 Prozent von Globus, der Rest lay with the Signa-Gruppe von René Benko. If the Signa-Gruppe has become insolvent, it is an Anteil zum Verkauf.

Those who have the Central Group will look at the Globus AG Magazine. It is the Gesellschaft, the employee of Globus Betreibt. Damit gehehe das Geschäft aller new Globus-Häuser in der Schweiz, sieben sieben Häuser in Geneva, Lausanne, Bern, Lucerne, Zurich, Glatt and St. Gallen anyway we are in the construction of Häuser am Bellevue in Zurich and am Marktplatz in Basel, in den alleinigen Besitz der Central Group über.

André Maeder, CEO of the European Geschäfts van Central, is in the Mitteilung der Schweizer: “There will be many new peculiarities that will promote the luxury industry in luxury industries. (. . . ) We are looking forward to seeing the details below.” De Zukunft von Globus als Warenhausbetreiber is nicht gesichert.

Zukunft der Globus-Liegenschaften noch ungewiss

The fact is that things are going better with Globus-Immobilien. So it is an explicit communiqué that the ownership structure of the Globus Schweiz real estate company remains unopened. The Thailänder is also now 50 Prozent der Globus-Immobilien. The rest lies in the Signa Prime bankruptcy mass.

It is a nice Liegenschaften: in Zurich the Globus-Warenhaus after the Bahnhofstrasse is a benachbartes Bürohaus. In Bern, the Globus-Filiale includes an adjacent hotel. In Basel, at Freie Strasse 50, the Globus-Provisorium is located on the Gebäude am Marktplatz, which new building is launched and the Signa-Prospekten of the finest Warenhaus in Switzerland are sold.

These Liegenschaften are placed in separate companies. The Central Group is currently trading with the bankruptcy trustee of Signa Prime. The situation in real estate is the management of his complex, while René Benko has a finger starker in the game in this area as in retail.

It is clear that the Central Warenhaus Building in Zurich is completely complete. So this is the fourth message from the Sanierungsverwalters of Benkos Immobiliengesellschaft Signa Prime in the month of July, the Thai countries have taken over their interest and that of the Liegenschaft. It is no longer the best and strategic choice for financing Liegenschaften; The central hat was with the Signa-Gruppe in the decline and four years ago, money fell into the Umbau.

There is a family that has now done all things Globus: Tos Chirathivat, chairman and CEO of Thai Central Group.

There is a family that has now done all things Globus: Tos Chirathivat, chairman and CEO of Thai Central Group.

Brent Lewin/Bloomberg

Other real estate companies can sell the Chirathivats together with the Sanierungsverwalter of Signa Prime and Dritte. Since the Warenhäusers are concerned, they are not centrally involved in the Liegenschaften. A longer-lasting Mietvertrag reicht. Schon heute is Globus bei der Mehrheit der Standorte nicht Eigendom, son van Mieter.

Nun fehlt nur noch Selfridges

Was Money made available to the employees of Globus Nicht Flyssen – does it fall to Flyst at all. The value of the Warenhausgruppe is immobile. The war started years later, when the central sister abandoned the Signa de Globus der Migros. From the Milliarde, the dams that entered the battle, insiders now became a smaller billionaire-informed multimillion-dollar bet on the company’s employee.

The representative of the representative of Globus is the representation of the luxury department store geschäft of the Signa-Gruppe, who writes again. The KaDeWe-Warenhausgruppe in Germany, the KaDeWe in Berlin and the Alsterhaus in Hamburg and the Oberpollinger in Munich are heard, while the Central Relations predominate in June, this dot separates the Insolvenzverfahren-gab. In the Schwebe it is not even worth using the British Warenhausgruppe Selfridges.