
Methanol: Estonian maritime Wirtschaft entwickelt neue Speicherlösung – Frachtschifffahrt, Umwelt-, Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit, Antriebsarten, Kraftstoffe und Emissions | News | TRANSPORT

Methanol: Estonian maritime Wirtschaft entwickelt neue Speicherlösung – Frachtschifffahrt, Umwelt-, Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit, Antriebsarten, Kraftstoffe und Emissions | News | TRANSPORT

New technology revolutionizes Treibstoflagerung for green fuels

Alternative raw materials, which incorporate green fuels with methanol, play a central role in the decarbonization and defossilization of the maritime industry. Methanol is a flowing alcohol, extracted from fossil fuels, biomass or CO2. When Kraftstoff was combined with the use of green methanol in conventional Treibstoffen, Treibhaus gas emissions were reduced by up to 95 percent. A separated Vorteil during the time that the methanol is recovered from CO2, the gas extraction or the atmosphere can be extracted and combined with scrubber dust. If you pay attention to the cost of production, this is a problem. The einsatz of Methanol as Schiffskraftstoff is no more than widespread. This is on two main factors: Zum einem since the production costs per tonne in comparison with fossil fuels etwa 50 higher. If the methanol is on the double layer, so that the energy dense von Schweröl on the German more Platz is in the lagerung, the speicherung on Schiffen is erschwert.

As an answer to this consultation, Estonia presents its own innovation team for further solutions under consideration: The Estonian Unternehmen SRC Group says that with the Methanol Superstorage Technology, the bearing volumes of Methanol Tanks on Schiffen have been increased to 85 percent. If you use the special sandwich plate system technology in the construction of tanks with Einsatz, you can significantly increase the volume on the Brandschutz and ensure a longer service life. Make sure you have minimal storage with Methanol Superstorage Technology.

“De Zukunft des Seeverkehrs liegt in der Combinatie verschiedener Kraftstoffe, aber Methanol wird der Kraftstoff sein. Here the Schiffseigner is willing to invest,” says Kaupo Läänerand, stellvertretenden Staatssecretary for maritime and laundry facilities in the Estonian climate ministry. “If a lot of damage has been caused by Reeder, it may be that it is all for the recovery efforts: who can repair or rest with your Methanol. We have more information about the Methanol engines, which are the biggest problems with the Methanol. the market, I think the Methanol-Superstorage storage of the SCR-Group has created this herausforderungsgel with a generic hat from Lloyd, which has caused this loss in the global market.”

Global problems for the maritime industry

The Methanol Superstorage Technology is now one of the many innovations, Estonia as a Partner for Germany and other Countries on the Road in the Future, a global shipping industry among interesting machines. Make sure that the dust particles no longer end up in the core competences during the rest and modernization. By refining the country with a comprehensive creditworthiness, high administrative efficiency and an effective Wertschöpfungskette, although the maritime Wirtschaft has been done at a new level. Because Schiffe takes into account the low-emission means of transport, this is a very unhindered unsupervised supervision, a climatological problem. During the combination of technically innovative and green solutions, Estonia has established itself as a Wegweiser and partner for a long-distance transport.

Digitalization and collaboration as Schlüssel zum Erfolg

While digitalization in Estonia gave rise to industry: one start-up, private company and other institutions are acquiring in Umfeld, in the form of which the financing of investments and innovation could take place quickly. While the Zusammenschluss forms an individual cooperation network, the industry goes along with the innovations on the Zukunftsweisenden Seehandel foran. 90 Prozent der Aktivitäten is intended to be carried out and practically all Unternehmen leisten een beitrag zu diesen Bemühungen.

Zukunftsweisende Modelle: Estonian Beispiel für Deutschland

Deutschland is available for strong technology production, with Estonia supported by administrative efficiency, control and digitalization. Estonia’s singular purchasing model in the maritime sector may fall under Germany’s larger states. As the Baltic country grows, digital investments and investments are being made, while the scary startups, private sector and other institutions are being established. This means that the integrated management and deletion of data can be carried out by the management of the nightlife souls. Estonia is committed to the Bildung als Schlüssel zum Erfolg and explains that it is a special, high Aus- and Weiterbildung of Fachkräfte, which establishes Estonia as a Kompetenzzentrum for the maritime industry.

If the Methanol Superstorage offers innovative solutions, Estonia demonstrates the path to a climate-friendly or as climate-neutral Schifffahrt as possible. Deutschland has acquired enormous expertise in Estonia. Estonia has a partnership with a German and German partner organization that no longer takes on this opportunity. When the Zeit drängt: The ambitious climate change for 2030 and the Net-Zeit-Ziel for 2050 rücken faster näher, as a lie – and the Schlüssel zur Erreichung dieser Meilensteine ​​​​lies in innovative and more strategic Zusammenarbeit.