
Columnist Vera Peters

Columnist Vera Peters

The MiNa-Kolumnistin Vera Peters is a pioneer in Management and Unternehmensberatung. With a diploma in Luft- en Raumfahrttechnik you, as a business engineer and as a certified mediator, are able to create a seltene combination with technical brilliance and a good human being in your work. My career started at the Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and the Deutschen Lufthansa AG, where he carried out major projects for 25 years and refined his management in management and strategic plans. In the year 2000, Vera Peters began her BusinessArt training, which explores the business world and teams through transformative learning journeys. Ihr Flaggschiff, from the LIFE Safari® Leadership & Change Program, is an innovative concept that combines the Abenteuer and Recognition trips to Africa with a great coaching combination. This program is heart-warming, people are strong, authentic and resilient. 2020 won the LIFE Safari® program with the Excellence Award and Vera Peters 2022 as “Innovative Unternehmerin” from THE GROW. On Vera Peters writes about her research into the African continent, intercultural management and personal attention.

Was beschäftigt Sie derzeit am meisten? Was treibt Sie in Ihrem beruflichen Alltag um?

I think it will often take years for the theme to emerge, for other states, other cultures or other generations to learn. It is so that it is the case that a technical and complicated subject deals with the herausforderungen of the Unternehmensnachfolge- und Bergabe in a political and economical way. Wir brauchen more Offenheit für Collaboration en Kooperation – vertical and horizontal. It’s a big field, that’s civilized.

The “Hirngespinst Fachkräftemangel” is a message that is displayed in a certain way. Our Unternehmen in Deutschland are a bit elongated, both in their Außendarstellung and in their Denk- en Verhaltensweisen. Those who purchase wires want a hierarchical way of working and no longer follow standard products, a new way to find and make. It’s a big theme, there’s no different.

And the current theme is: Now we have few strangers since they are separated from each other and happy. New technologies and AI are still not gaining traction in the wider industry. If you are pioneers and leaders, who have lust, there is a kind of new knowledge with knowledge of life and alternative ways to connect. In the case of a stake, Wildes was now wartet, and would be covered.

Who lies about the major obstacles of the German middle class?

The German Mittelstand is a period of time. There are concerns about the digitalization of the new AI technology, the global financial crisis, political changes, a generation Z or a generation A that has even more bureaucracy. If I make my own choice, I can make my money, but I can’t make money. Unsere negative Blickrichtung füttert diese Ängste. Watch the Mangle commit the entire meal. This is why there are urgently enthusiastic pioneers and pioneers who bring more Joy and Lockerheit into the Unternehmertum, despite the serious consequences of losing. Erfolg schließt Freude am Tun nicht aus.

We will experience the prosperity and independence of the nation and culture with Freude, generations of accountability and courtesy in life. Unsere Lieblingsfrage sollte lauten: „Was I able to learn from this?“ Who can be an international market positive in the Zusammenspiel nutzen with zum Beispiel? There is a WIR on the road to Erfolg.

Who lies about the greater chance of German middle classes?

The middle class is a strong foundation of the Wirtschaft – it is not the case that it can itself be used in a family business and have a high and steady value and that its possibilities can be expanded.

The middle class is a class, this is where we will incur the most additional costs in the coming years. If you are flexible, exciting technical innovations, you can always go beyond the country and market boundaries and live in your country. With a great reliance on Reverse Mentoring, young people with experiences, Start-Ups with long-lasting, successful companies, multicultural and joint sister groups, a generation from the large available potential pools of their skills. The problem is that intrapreneurship and internal operations are in disrepair. Co-Unternehmertum und generation-bergreifendes Denken ist gefragt.

Was muss itself urgentändern in Deutschland, in Europa, in der Welt?

Raus dem Heulsusen- und Pity-Tal! Lust for Unternehmertum wieder gewinnen. Es might Spaß, Unternehmer zu sein. Lust for unternehmerische Abenteuer, auf Pioniergeist. That is my apple.

In Germany – the Neidfaktor darf themselves change. Positive Neid says: Wow, I will do that and not “der muss wohl krumme Dinger drehen, dammit there is such a thing”. We look forward to it, it was different and we wouldn’t have it. Were welding other weather are a wachsen, nor unterstützen with other woolwollend. Also auf zu: “Lead yourself and let others grow”. There is no longer a new installation for the Unternehmens- and Lebensführung.

Together we dare to think bigger and learn more about Tellerrand. Nuts with Europe and photos are full-fledged collaborations with uninterested states and cultures. If you make a different journey, then LIFE Safaris, experience with its other world and enlarge our own Erkenntniswelten.

Manches are very happy, what is that? It is most effective when there is a malfunction. Was the whole situation different?

Democracy, the Security Code, works in Germany and Europe, and the “Stehaufmännchen-Qualität” of the middle classes.

Was the personal responsibility of the bereitet the great sorgenfalten?

The Lethargy and Shockstarre will become part of the Second World War. One of the many “brown” experiences with unraveled activities.

Was it a fact that you were involved in making machines yourself? What was Ihren’s motivation for not doing this?

If there is a free and one-sided situation, various separation effects can occur when buying and the great loss found in the duration, as the end of power, in terms of quatschen. The Erfolg is located in the Umsetzung. If I want more excellent leadership and great places to work, I put people and innovation at the forefront.

Others have dissolved me Wille, Unternehmer and his Mitarbeiter of a word full of more creative Freude and Begeisterung for the Sache and for his life to begin with. Unternehmertum darf Spaß machen. This can be a personal approach. Discover the perspective of the Ferne and analyze the following: my Herkunft and Erfahrungswelt with the Luft- and Raumfahrttechnik with the ‘curious’ combination and the zoom on the African continent – ​​​​the cradle of man – erlauben mir and others new Perspective.

Was würden Sie heute different machen als damals? And: Who would they meet when they were separated, when they would still be willing to work independently?

I was happy with everything in my life – as soon as possible. It seems that the frost can be frozen, “beim nächsten Mal” an bestehendes unternehmen zu übernehmen and diees follow-up in the future.

Was it a matter of Tag Ihren Aufgaben und Herausforderungen to ask?

My Weltveränderungsenergie. Yet it represents the Power of the Möglichkeiten, the Power, which could be increased exponentially in our individual and community contexts. Wir müssen nur loslegen and de Generationen with ihrer großen Erfahrungswelt richtig schätzen and nutzen leer. If you can use a different country and culture, the policy on the Blick may be different. They revere the Kraft der Jugend and the Reife des Alters and feel that they are full of life. The culture of life with continuous development, exploration and full growth, which are so great, inspires me. The background of my international travel and experiences in the Australian environment is my positive attitude towards humanity and the vision that is being promoted, a positive attitude that can be achieved. If you are no longer divorced, but if you are now divorced, you will be estranged or welded.

Was it a matter of time for you to live together? Welche Rolle spielen Nachhaltigkeit und Gemeinwohl in Ihrer Tätigkeit?

I have enjoyed all my life, people and people are all aware of the world, but it is the best way to live and act, not lethargic in the time when they have their own responsibility for life, but when they do not more can separate internal sin. Deshalb started in the year 2020 with the family and the community with friends who founded a business and got an idea of ​​​​the foundation in the new year, soft drinks that got a gemeinnütziger Verein “Business 4 Needs & Dreams” and ins lives has helped. With active connections to external start-up projects you can develop files and parts of the world, your note-taking life foundation with your own kräften erwirtschaften for creating and viewing nature and nature conservation. Letztlich since there are three things, which we want to achieve: Generations of future connections, reduction of flow and global cooperation.

Car racing profile:

Vera Peters is a pioneer in management and human development. With a diploma in Luft- en Raumfahrttechnik you, as a business engineer and as a certified mediator, are able to create a seltene combination with technical brilliance and a good human being in your work.

My career started at the Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and the Deutschen Lufthansa AG, where he carried out major projects for 25 years and refined his management in management and strategic plans.

In the year 2000, Vera Peters started her BusinessArt training, which has guided the business world and teams through transformative learning widget. Ihr Flaggschiff, from the LIFE Safari® Leadership & Change Program, is an innovative concept that combines Abenteuer and Erkenntnisreisen in Africa with a great coaching combination. This program is heart-warming, people are powerful, authentic and resilient. 2020 won the LIFE Safari® program with the Excellence Award and Vera Peters 2022 as “Innovative Unternehmerin” from THE GROW.

Veras Peters Commitment to practical and intercultural projects says something about all his projects. Because many strategies have been developed, the complex global reforms are being addressed. In other words, inspiring and motivating other people brings great resilience to human dynamics, allowing them to experience powerful personal development and mentorship.

Vera Peters has been elevated for 30 years, Mutter von zwei Söhnen und Mehrfachunternehmerin. If you are active for your Verein Business 4 Needs & Dreams eV, people are brought into their own situation. As a TOP 100 Speaker and Autorin, they regularly work on a large scale and talk about their themes with “The Safari Strategy for Leader”, “Hirngespinst Fachkräftemangel” and “Mutige Entscheidungen, strong Lösungen”.

You are inspired by your creditworthiness, your social involvement and your leadership for future work. If you find a new maßstäbe in the modern fuhrung and other motivation, your vision is on verwirklichen.

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