
Wirtschaftsflaute: Diese Unternehmen planen Entlassungen in Deutschland

Wirtschaftsflaute: Diese Unternehmen planen Entlassungen in Deutschland

Wirtschaftsflaute: Diese Unternehmen planen Entlassungen in Deutschland

The economical economy of the Low Countries in Germany is swinging in large numbers, ihre Mitarbeiter zu entlassen.
Photo Alliance / Grafik: Dominik Schmitt

  • Deutsche Unternehmen wie Continental, Miele und Bosch kürzen Tausende von Arbeitsplätzen.
  • The proposals regarding main issues, production and production – also include management.
  • The cost of inflation is high, energy costs and major costs in the economy are high.

The German Wirtschaft is changing – and the next steps are bitter for the workers. Inflation, high energy costs and rising prices represent the major costs. Die Folge: Tausende Entlassungen in Germany. Denn: Those Unternehmen müssen spare, a cousin will land in the rotten Zahlen.

Für felle in Deutschland bedeutet das: Arbeitsplätze fallen away, Standorte were closed and Belegschaften significantly reduced. Is it possible that the Rotstift was used in those years? Here the largest Job Abbaumaßnahmen in the Überblick.

Continental: Der Kahlschlag continues

The automotive industry Continental has started with the Abbau von Stellen in 2023. Bisher hat der Konzern 5000 Arbeitsplätze in de Bereichen Entwicklung, Produktion und Verwaltung gestrichen. By 2028, 7,150 couples will have been repaid, reducing costs by 400 million euros.

7150 Sets of warm weather at Continental were purchased.

7150 Sets of warm weather at Continental were purchased.
Photo Alliance

Miele: Washing machines after Poland, Jobs ade

Miele factory, until 2028, run 1300 couples in Germany abzubauen. In addition, the 700 working places in washing machine production have been affected after the Polish downturns. The Stellenabbau is part of the business activities, in which the Unternehmen jointly with the Gewerkschaft IG Metall.

In 2028 it will take longer before the Couples are established at Miele.

In 2028 it will take longer before the Couples are established at Miele.
Photo Alliance

Bosch: Der stille Abschied von 3500 Jobs

Bosch has been updated, bis 2027 etwa 3500 Stellen im indirecten Bereich abzubauen. These entlassungen cover all processing positions. In the year 2024, 450 couples will be lost in Germany. Bosch is initiating social renewal and will intensify the heat effects after possible avoidance.

3500 Couples will be released by 2027, the Konzern will be announced.

3500 Couples will be completed in 2027, resulting in the Konzern.
Photo Alliance

Thyssenkrupp Steel: Das Ende in Bremen?

Am Standort Bremen-Farge von Thyssenkrupp goes to Unternehmen 420 von 550 Arbeitsplätzen. Other products in production may be affected. The Gewerkschaft IG Metall criticizes the maßnahmen scharf en spricht vom “Ende des Standorts”.

Die Tochtergesellschaft Thyssenkrupp Steel soll bis 550 Stellen streichen.

Die Tochtergesellschaft Thyssenkrupp Steel soll bis 550 Stellen streichen.
Photo Alliance

SAP: Umstrukturierung auf dem Rücken der Mitarbeiter

Der Softwarekonzern SAP has a large capacity, in a structure that can accommodate up to 10,000 couples. Ursprünglich war der Abbau von 8000 Arbeitsplätzen planted, but the maßnahmen were ausgeweitet. Gleichzeitig, SAP invests in the new Stellen im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz.

10,000 Mitarbeitern dry at SAP a Entlassung.

10,000 Mitarbeitern dry at SAP a Entlassung.
Photo Alliance

Tesla: Grünheide spars 400 Couples

Tesla factory, in Werk Grünheide near Berlin, runs for 400 days. There were jobs that were accepted by 300 Leiharbeiter. The Stellenabbau has resolved a problem solving problem and the tax resolution has dropped to approximately 11,800 cases.

After the years of construction of the factory in Grünheide, 400 jobs will be available.

After the years of construction of the factory in Grünheide, 400 jobs will be available.
Photo Alliance

VW: The end of the job guarantee

Volkswagen received a long job guarantee in September. This has happened since July 2025. Volkswagen can determine the safety of cars and rules for the guideway. Dabei drhen insgesamt 30.000 Kündigungen.

Over the years, VW will have to start introducing new models, avoiding the impact on the Chinese market, and prioritizing electric cars as soon as possible.

Betriebsbedingte Kündigungen bei VW dürften im nächsten Jahr möglich sein.

Betriebsbedingte Kündigungen bei VW dürften im nächsten Jahr möglich sein.
photo alliance / SULUPRESS.DE | Torsten Sukrow / SULUPRESS.DE

Henkel: 2000 Entlassungen bereits vollzogen

During those years, Henkel settled in the fortress of Stellenabbau, where there is a major restoration program. Bereits in de first Phase hatte das Unternehmen angekündigt, bis Ende 2023 weltweit rund 2000 Stellen abzubauen.

Now that the conversion is in the second phase, production, production, logistics and bearing are being optimized in all cases. They could also continue working hours.

Vergangenes Jahr hat Henkel angekündigt, 2000 Stellen abbauen zu wollen.

Vergangenes Jahr hat Henkel angekündigt, 2000 Stellen abbauen zu wollen.
Photo Alliance

Vodafone: Einsparungen fuhren zu Entlassungen

Vodafone Deutschland has installed a new spar programs from 2000 in Rahmen in the future. Soul is, 400 million euros will be earned in the next two years. The Stellenabbau has paid 13 percent of the 15,000 Mitarbeitenden in Germany. You can save Vodafone services on Vodafone fees and charges.

The Stellenabbau has a social function and a new situation has arisen in a number of Wachstumsfelders.

The Stellenabbau has a social function and a new situation has arisen in a number of Wachstumsfelders.
Getty Images

Bayer: Leverkusen is launched

The Bayer-Konzern in Leverkusen has been in operation since 2024: 3200 Couples are welcome, davon 2500 in the Management area. The Stelabbau is one of the largest investment plans under new CEO Bill Anderson, who is slimming the internal corporate hierarchy and making work processes more efficient. Bayer aims to earn 500 million euros by the end of the years and raise one million euros by 2026.

The Abbaut of Stellen in management will make another attempt, but there is a good chance that the Stellen in Germany have been affected.

The Abbaut of Stellen in management may have only cried a few times, but there is a good chance that the Stellen in Germany have been affected. Couples are not offended.
Getty Images

Evonik: Konzern-fabriek Entlassungen im Management

Evonik factory founded in the Krise in the chemical branch of the Abbau of rund 2000 Arbeitsplätzen, davon etwa 1500 in Deutschland. It may happen that the device is removed and inspected.

Before everything happens in management, Evonik will shorten the rules and the hierarchy legs. Soul is, the costs amount to 400 million euros.

2023 verzeichnete der Konzern a German Rückgang at Umsatz and Gewin, and before 2024 there would be a small Wachstum erwartet.

2023 verzeichnete der Konzern a German Rückgang at Umsatz and Gewin, and before 2024 there would be a small Wachstum erwartet.
Photo Alliance

ZF Friedrichshafen: Tausendfache Entlassungen

ZF factory in Friedrichshafen, up to 18,000 units by 2030. By 2028, 10,000 Arbeitsplätze will have disappeared. If Unternehmen respond to the Notnauwe Keit, costs that are incurred and the legal decisions will continue.

18,000 sets were produced until 2030, ZF Friedrichshafen factory.

18,000 sets were produced until 2030, ZF Friedrichshafen factory.
Photo Alliance