
Die Marke Dorint Hotels & Resorts has lasted 65 years

Die Marke Dorint Hotels & Resorts has lasted 65 years

For 65 years the inheritance of the Mönchengladbacher Möbel-Unternehmer Werner Dornieden (Kalderoni Möbelhäuser) signals Muster-Hotel for Einrichtungen in “Bunten Garten” in Mönchengladbach. If no one is there, go to the hotel of the “Dorint Hotels & Resorts”, one of the final destinations of the German hotel industry in the first place. Heute, 65 Jahre später, gehören 62 Dorint Hotels in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zum Traditionsunternehmen mit Sitz in Cologne. It is the best choice in the German Unternehmerhand before the Hotelmarke.

Dorint writes and writes History: The Hotel Group was founded in the 1990s with around 100 Häusern kurz Marktführer unter deutschen Hotelgesellschaften. With the Auswirkungen von “9/11”, the Dareuffolgenden Trennung of the Accor Group and the Finance and Banking Crisis, a longer Sanierungskurs began for Dirk Iserlohe, the current Dorint Aufsichtsratschef. Since 2006, Iserlohe das Unternehmen has been completely restored and the Focus on Full-Service Hotellerie in DA-CH. Denn Iserlohe is the überzeugt, the “Service that Droge der Zukunft ist”.

The end of the restructuring phase of Iserlohe 2016 is HONESTIS AG with an equity of 124 million euros, where the DHI Dorint Hospitality & Innovation GmbH – with the two Geschäftsführern Jörg T. Böckeler (CEO) and Stefanie Brandes (COO) – is located.

Before the Corona crisis, the hotel group operated for a year from approx. This is one million euros with an equity of 90 million euros. It has an equity of approximately 15 million euros. Dirk Iserlohe has joined the Federal Constitutional Court in the Gleichstellung at the Beihilfen out there.

Kontrolliertes Wachstum

With the three brands “Dorint Hotels & Resorts”, “Essential by Dorint” (Mittleres Marktsegment) and the “HOMMAGE Luxury Hotels Collection” (Fünf Sterne-Segment) woolen Geschäftsführung and Aufsichtsrat weiter check in DA-CH. Soul is the same, by the end of 2028 insgesamt 80 Hotel business with a minimum of approx. 600 Million Euro for business. I paid an anniversary amount of approximately 320 million euros, the investment is 64 percent and the net sustainable rate is 134 euros. For more Wachstum – for all the traditions of Dorint Hotels & Resorts – spread over the higher levels, the positive image and the Akzeptanz of Marke among guests and hotel owners.

Three attractive Marken

The Dorint Hotel Group is an attractive company of hotel real estate in the German market with the core brand “Dorint Hotels & Resorts” and the marketing, sales and PR department. It is worth seeing the Wiedereröffnungen and the Traditionsstandorten Salzburg and Würzburg, the Übernahme in Bad Zurzach/Schweiz and the active Opening of the new “Dorint Resort & Spa Locarno/Riazzino” final round.

The young Lifestyle Brand “Essential by Dorint” was launched at the Drei-Sterne Region in 2019. While Frühjahr sees the “Essential by Dorint Interlaken” in Switzerland as a hotel of the Mark, the beginning is away from his gut. Essential choice for full-service hotels in the market segment and outstanding pitches. Die wesentlichen Annehmlichkeiten: higher Schlafkomfort, Sonntagsfrühstück jeden Tag, schnelles, kostenloses WLAN, kompetenter, herzlicher Service der #HotelHelden und active Nachbarschaftsanbindung. I like the “Essential by Dorint Düsseldorf” (Eröffnung Frühjahr 2025) and the “Essential by Dorint Altenrhein/CH” (Eröffnung Sommer 2026)

Legerer Luxus

After the Erweiterung, the flagship of the Fünf-Sterne-Luxusmarke “Hommage Luxury Hotels Collection” – the Grand Tirolia Kitzbühel – is newly positioned as a family resort for Weihnachten with 147 Zimmern and Suiten.

The four Luxus hotels “Söl’ring Hof Sylt”, “Parkhotel Bremen”, “Hotel Nassauer Hof Wiesbaden” and “Maison Messmer Baden-Baden” were filled from 2019 to the new Luxus-Marke. New was recommended in 2021 by “Hotel Kö59 Düsseldorf (ehemal Intercontinental Düsseldorf). Jörg T. Böckeler (CEO of the Dorint Hotel Group) has described the philosophy of these new hotels: “We can offer our guests an unparalleled hotel experience, inspired by the authentic and unique features of the jewel luxury hotels and the standortes. You can discuss hassle-free, competent and reliable service from Hauptrolle.”

Good cause

The “Neighbors by Dorint” foundation was founded on September 25, 2019. The Führungsspitze of the Unternehmens is tough, socially and ethically responsible for the Mitmenschen of the übernehmen. “Neighbors by Dorint” and those who fell #HotelHeroes have given a helpful person and not leading direction in the unmittelbare Nachbarschaft of Dorint Hotels & Resorts with Sach- and Geld-Spenden. If you want to achieve a gross profit of 500,000 euros for a year. All Hilfen were removed from foundation capitalization financing, allowing them to spend money or reaffirm the sport with the sale of business activities. So the first “Neighbors by Dorint” Charity Gala in May 2023 at Hotel Kö59 Düsseldorf totals 210,000 Euro.

“If you wish to be happy, you will always be happy” is the credo of Dorint Aufsichtsratschef Dirk Iserlohe. Daher has started the creation of the 65th edition of the Marke “Dorint Hotels & Resorts” at the RTL-Spendenmarathon 2024 including the “Joey Kelly 24-Stunden-Challenge” in November with an expenditure amounting to 50,000 euros .

Bildnachweis: © Dorint Hotels & Resorts