
DWD-Bilanz – September brings warming to aber nassen Herbststart – Panorama

DWD-Bilanz – September brings warming to aber nassen Herbststart – Panorama

Offenbach/Essen (dpa/lnw) – North Rhine-Westphalia has started with a warm and rainy September – and yet has been spared from extremes. According to the German Weather Service (DWD) in the current forecast for the month of September, temperatures in North Rhine-Westphalia in the Middle East were 15.4 °C – and were 1.8 degrees warmer during the mid-year period of 1961. 1990.

With 91 liters per square meter there is one drop more water in the middle gemstone – with an incorrect sun protection of 160 studens. This is because of the Referenzperiod abgeleitetete Monatssoll in September liest bei 135 Stunden.

Von Hochsommer bis Herbst

If you started in September, it’s a DWD. So we were on September 1 in Tönisforst am Niederrhein at 33.3 degrees. With a German temperature of two weeks in the summer, the herb mixture is ready for the first time. If it is a milder wurde, the spices from the mouth may end up being good. On September 25, more tornadoes were registered, which damaged Bäume and Dächer.

I am Bundesweiten Vergleich stachen aber other Regionen Deutschland hervor: So the high temperature in the country does not reach and the Anfang des Monats in Südbrandenburg messene Hitze of 35,2 Grad heran.

However, both the lower rain showers were NRW from the heavy rain, with the water of the Sudosten and Osten zu kämpfen hatte, verschont. So in Berchtesgadener Land with DWD up to 500 liters per square meter could be achieved, in other words more than the Dreifache der üblichen Menge. It is grim in the Alps.

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