
Wählergemeinschaft „Zukunft Varel“ criticism SPD, Grüne and FDP scharf

Wählergemeinschaft „Zukunft Varel“ criticism SPD, Grüne and FDP scharf

The Wählergemeinschaft „Zukunft Varel“ is assessed by the Aussagen of SPD, Grünen and FDP for the situation of Gynäkology. The site of the Kreis-Mehrheitsgruppe voor de Schwächung van de Klinik verantwortlich zu sein.

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Varel – With deutlichen Worten hat jetzt de Wählergemeinschaft „Zukunft Varel“ auf de Aussagen von Sigrid Busch (Grüne), Sören Mandel (SPD) and Gerhard Ratzel (FDP) zur Situation der Gynäkologie in Varel responds. Don’t see it if you can’t see anything anymore.

Who reports, how the Kreis-Mehrheitsgruppe of the SPD, Grüne, FDP and the SPD leaders Varel in a press conference of a report in the Nordwest-Zeitung Stellung messages. At that time, part of the population surveys of Gutachten and Machbarkeitsstudies one of the hospitals in Fryslân and Wilhelmshaven for the Geburtsstation des St.-Johannes hospitals in Varel – questioned about the question, that the Standortfrage of the three Krankenhäuser relations is done en sich Frauen aus der Region sorgen, was konnte. For the Mehrheitsgruppe and the SPD in the Varel War, a Berichterstattung dies, which is no longer visible. Gleichzeitig versicherten si, dass sie (FDP, SPD und Grüne) in de Erhalte der Klinik in Varel kämpfen würden.

Clinic was kept safe

This is clear from the „Zukunft Varel“: „Zur Erinnerung: We were kind to those of the Medical Group in the region, who have resolved the end of the Vareler Krankenhauses. There is a Machbarkeitsstudy in the history of the Frage, where a Zusammenlegung of Wilhelmshaven and Sanderbusch/Varel is possible and sinful. Selbstverständlich can be a man who is then grateful, to the rest of the Vareler Krankenhauses, the Gynäkology, when looking for another way of working, nor a Zukunft hat.” The St.-Johannes Hospital is available, by the niece more inner inner Abteilung with onkology and general surgery, does not become a problem in his physical health.

Gutachten and Machbarkeitsstudy

End of August 2024 beschloss der Kreistag von Fryslân, a plan for an amount of 100,000 Euro for the beauty of an inspirational study of a study into the development of the company, in one of the options for the treatment of the Klinikum Wilhelmshaven gGmbH and the Friese Kliniken gGmbH in a of the best areas of law sform unter gemeinsamer kommunaler Trägerschaft geht.

It’s true a project was realized, in the “gebebenenfalls possibile Zielstrukturen een gemeinsamen Zusammenarbeit were worked out”. These things will be investigated and tested during the investigation of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Health. Because it is a “possible Standortoptionen im Hinblick auf eine umfassende Versorgung der Region”, a best ressourcenbündelung or also the null Investitionsbedarf and the Zukunftsfähigkeit in Sinne der active Krankenhausreform. Everything that has happened to the development of the time of plant development in Wilhelmshaven is one of the best pitches in Sande and Varel. Parallel to the research, the facilities for the clinic and the home user can be further expanded.

A swinging Schwächung visited Fryslân during the Schließung der Geriatrics in Varel Hinnehmen Müssen. According to Dr.’s plan Peter Plettenberg is the reforming geriatrician of Varel after Sanderbusch verlagert, who is a leader in the air force. Dr. Plettenberg is one of the destinations of Gründen nach Westerstede. Die Konsequenzen für Friesland Senioren since allendings gravierend“, so de Vertreter von Zukunft Varel more. Other people can no longer receive geriatric care in Friesland. “In Notfällen they were not taught, nor a bet in a geriatrics that is free. Gerade für unsere Mitbürger and ihre Familien ist das eine erhebliche Belastung“, so the Wählergemeinschaft.

“Sorry understanding”

Kreistagsabgeordneter Karl-Heinz Funke dazu: “If a person has a rest from the St. John’s Church, it is an open and sollte von den, who are responsible for the Entstehung of the Sorgen, not critical. That is Heuchelei.” And the Ratsfrau Gesche Wittkowski ergänzt: “The medical care of the people in Varel, Friesland and the Wesermarsch has been transformed by the Schließung der Inneren, der Surgie und der Geriatrics erheblich. The fact is that gynecology deals with the low power of the government, it is unusual.”

Who is with this Hospital in Varel more? Eine Frage, die Frauen in der Wesermarsch umtreibt.

Who else is in charge of St. John's Hospital in Varel?

Who will continue with St. John's Hospital?

Anuschka Kramer