
Gedenkkonzert zum Kriegsausbruch: Gegen die Wiederkehr des Schreckens

Gedenkkonzert zum Kriegsausbruch: Gegen die Wiederkehr des Schreckens

The Polish Geiger Adam Bałdych gave a very reassuring concert in the Berliner St.-Elisabeth-Kirche for the inner service and the Ausbruch of the 2. Weltkriegs.

Zwei Musiker plays gemeinsam.

The Polish Star-Jazz-Geiger and composer Adam Bałdych with a singer Photo: Grzegorz Karkoszka

If you have a mind, if you remember the beginning of the Zweiten Weltkriegs, it was so bad at the end of September in the Berliner St.-Elisabeth-Kirche. The audience has started listening to music and applauding, after Livemusik took place in 2025 on the album “Portrets” by the popular Star-Jazz-Geigers and composer Adam Bałdych and his quintetts veröffentlicht. Veranstaltet wurde das Konzert vom Pilecki-Institut, een statlichen polnischen Kultur- und Researchinstitut.

Eingängige melodies, interesting changes and jazz rhythms are wonderfully different from the surroundings and create new rhythms. Some songs are melancholic and slow, but they dominate the grim sounds. In the 38-year-old’s shoes, dressed in shoes and sneakers and with distinctive features and undercut, the game becomes very attractive through the sight.

Although the instrument is a Rockstar instrument, the development of the geigenbows is a good idea and the malträtierte is a man who certainly wants to discover that he can be explosive. A few hairs of the eigenarcs are now emerging.

Gelungen Show

Zwischendurch griff Bałdych zur Renaissance-Geige, seinem Lieblingsinstrument. While the begleitmusiker and flute, double bass, drum and saxophonist spend their playing time with improvisation parts, Bałdych plays a role in a club. But it went more like a happy show at night. Thematically, the wechselhafte, von Krieg and Totalitarismus, aber auch von demokratischer Wende geprägte polenische 20. Jahrhundert im Mittelpunkt – anyway the ‘fragile Condition humana’ of the Gegenwart, in der die vergangs geglaubten Schrecken wiederkehren.

When the annual phase of political memory culture takes place, play a role here

“Porträts” is a highly emotional album. Obwohl een Auftragsarbeit für das Pilecki-Institut, ist sofort spürbar, dass seine Musik aus Überzeugung and Einfühlung entstanden. Bałdych hollow sich Inspiration von Geschichten from the Archives, aber ebenso vom Buch “Musik in Auschwitz” von Szymon Laks, der in het Lagerorchester des Vernichtungslagers spielte und de NS-Grauen überlebte. When we see the Christian Glauben, there is a auftaktstück des Abends, ‘Vision (Talking with Jesus)’, or who the title ‘Tree of Knowledge’ and ‘Genesis’ imitate.

Die Worte des Stücks „Niebo zlote ci otworzę“ (“I became the golden Himmel for close ones”), the one performance of the gleichnamigen Gedichts von Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński darstellt, trägt by the Sänger Piotr Odoszewski with sanfter higher Stimme vor. Baczyński came 1944 during the Warschauer Aufstands in Leben, gerade 23 years alto.

The St. Elisabeth Church as a war history is remembered. It is an old antique Schinkel-Bau that damages the Zweiten Weltkriegs. The Kirchenhaus is very healthy, but not like the Sakralbau with Organ, Altar and Benches which have been restored – the Innenfassade is best left untouched by the Ziegelsteinen – and would be enjoyed by everyone for cultural development.

Warschauer Aufstand

The Bauwerk begins with the analysis of Adam Bałdych’s concerts and albums – two years ago: the beginning of the Zweiten Weltkriegs with the German invasion of Poland before 85 years on September 1, 1939 and the beginning of the Warsaw Uprising before 80 years on August 1, 1944. After the war, the Wehrmacht and the SS Association were founded in Schutt and Asche.

Since these two Jahrestage zentral für de Polnische Erinnerungskultur since, they play in Deutschland kaum eine Rolle. The leadership of policy advocacy, Morde, Verschleppungen, de Ausbeutung von Zwangsarbeiter*innen, can be used here. There is an ignorance of Polish rural history and culture in the general power that is so relevant.

Poland would not be perceived as Kulturation. It is no longer the case that there is a wringer of lying, but also not when the German Kaiserreich rises, National Socialism gets on the Spitze and its heute anti-Slawic Rassismus has incurred debts.

And while there is another story, on the Polish diplomat Jan Tombiński in his speech and the latter: It is a matter of criticism in Eastern Europe – the Russian Angriff is the Ukraine. The Herausforderung, which we learn from the History, is no longer as great and compelling as anyone who knows, says Tombiński. If you have a Hoffnung, you may not be able to achieve anything.