
SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete wants more migration policy from dpa-AFX

SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete wants more migration policy from dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – In the SPD Bundestagsfraktion there is massive criticism and the umpassenden Grenzkontrollen die plantverschärfungen in der Migrationspolitik. When it comes to a response from 35 parts of the faction to one of the violations, it has been recently that, in the form of a number of social democracies and social democracies, the SPD representative in the Bundesregierung and in the Bundestag asylum law has been converted into representation and human rights.

In the response of the 35 parliamentarians, the German press agent said: “Wir teilen Eure Trauer, Eure Wut und Eure Zweifel angesichts des actualellen Diskurses.” And: “If the Kurs stops, the SPD will make a mistake in the migration and asylum police.” Black and white is understandable, because people fell after the terrorist attack at a city festival in Solingen in August. Massnahmen for more security wishes. One of the reforms that are taking place in Waffen law or the stricter rules, terrorist financing that is not bound is a sin. Gleichzeitig gelte aber: “Security political fragments cannot be removed with migration policy.”

You will meet others such as Hakan Demir, Rasha Nasr and Carmen Wegge. The Zahl derer, the offensive short term, is inzwischen auf more als 12.000 Parteimitglieder stiegen.

“The SPD does not want to normalize the human narrative and positioning of right-wing parties and actions”, in short, that the Abgeordnete of the Europarlament, the Bundestag and the Landtag has taken part of the initiative. “The Sprache der Rechts van de übernehmen, if it becomes an asylum seeker, who fly before the Krieg and the Chaos, and a geschlossene Borders within Europe with plans – a solcher Schwenk befeuert the Positionen der extreme Rechts.”

The SPD Bundestagsabgeordneten write their statements while organizing their party consultations and spreading the “reflexhaften Ruf nach härteren Gangart in der Migrationspolitik” more widely. If it is the case that the insurance package is concluded, the government in the Bundestag cannot criticize 35 other countries for harming the social economy for humanity, for granting asylum to another European country, and Foreign Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) organized controls and all national borders.