
Wieder mehr Freibad-Besucher in Jena

Wieder mehr Freibad-Besucher in Jena

The big day is 70. Event of the Ostbades on 25. July was one of the highest events in the history of the holiday 2024.

Bilanz sucked: Take a look at the Jenaer Bath on the last Freibad-Saison 2024.

Jena. Von Anfang Mai bis End September was able to welcome 147,300 guests in both Jenaer Freibädern. Das since 16.400 Gäste mehr as im Vorjahr – een Steigerung een meer dan 13 Prozent.

“With our friends, we now have a great time in our daily lives, so we can enjoy our free time,” says Geschäftsführerin Susan Zetzmann. Of course you can play the game with the Wetter playing a separate role.

“If you have a great concern, our maßnahmen, the Oostbad and the South are more attractive for statures and with veranstaltungen and active collaborations, even if it concerns a beige journey,” says Zetzmann. “We were away from our fortresses.”

How can you feel about those bad guys in your life with some new friends: So they hate them Freibadkioske a Fischekur erhalten and were a new name (“Entenbude” in Ostbad and “Biberbutze” in Südbad) and with erweiterter Speisekarte neu durchgestartet.

“The Resonance from the new Angebot was truly positive,” says Susan Zetzmann. „Unser Angebot can use the great Freibadkost, enthält nun auch Salatbowls and Fischgericht. Unser Eindruck war, that is special both in the Müttern ourserer small Freibadgäste gut ankam.”

The only “Renner” has nothing to do with a new flavor with “Fish & Chips”, the sweet kartoffel pommes with unhealthy mayonnaise and the Lachsbrötchen were often found in the Kiosktheke.

Ebenfalls zur der erolgreichen Sommersaison hätten zuätzliche Veranstaltungen, wie die grand Party zum 70. Geburtstag des Ostbades and das Public Viewing zur Fußball-Europameisterschaft and der Strandbar “Strandschleicher”.

Jenaer Bäder-Kursstaffeln

It is a matter of money, sponsoring the free time for children in the summer period, while the children’s geschäftsführerin continues.

This company is founded by Carl Zeiss AG, the Lions Club Jena “Paradies”, the city works Energie Jena-Pößneck and Langnese financing.

Insgesamt nuttzten in de Sommerferien von Mitte Juni bis Anfang August 20.700 Mädchen and Jungen under 14 Years thatse Vergünstigung.

Kfz-Sachverständigenbüro Heine GmbH

Burgaupark - Kinderkleidermarkt

The purpose of a single scaffolding is more than 35 percent in relation to the future, as 13,400 children enjoy the free holidays during the summer holidays.

With Blick in the Wetter War of the summer of 2024, there was a Wechselbad in the air. After starting in May and June, the bathing season starts in July during the term.

Entsprechend fallen de besucherstärksten Tage auch in dieser Zeit: Im Ostbad on das 30. July with 3,200 Badegästen, im Southbad on 31. July with 2,240 visitors and guests.

A discontinued Hitzewelle in August protected the Bädern then auch nach Ferienende nor any kind of Besucheransturm.

Insgesamt lag das Ostbad auch in diesem Year in der Gunst der Badegäste deutlich vorn: The Sportbad am Fuße des Jenzig begrüßte in diesem Sommer rund 87.300 Gäste (2023: 77.300 Gäste, 2022: 67.200 Gäste).

Jenaer Bäder - Herbstferien GalaxSea

In the South of the Netherlands you can swim and plant in Diesem Sommer rund 60,000 guests (2023: 52,700, 2022: 43,200).

Quelle: Stadtwerke Jena