
Guido Brebaum is Chancellor of the FH Münster

Guido Brebaum is Chancellor of the FH Münster

(openPR) Since September 15, 2019, Guido Brebaum is Chancellor of the FH Münster. You are aware of the Diplom-Kaufmann und -Volkswirt wiedergewählt – damit bleibt ein regionals Gesicht in der Verwaltungsspitze: Der 51-Jährige is gebürtiger Wettringer en tief in der Region und im Kreis Steinfurt verwurzelt. There was a war for the Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Steinfurt (WESt mbH) and wechselte dann zur Stadt Coesfeld, before there were Referatsleiter Finanzen and Controlling at Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) and put an end to the FH Münster wechselte.

“I am happy with my own Wiederwahl and with my setzte Vertrauen,” said Brebaum. If Kanzler is the highest school education, the college can lead the college and the college education. Damit is the expert of the Mitarbeiter*innen in Technology and Development.

“My first Amtszeit war was carried out by small and larger herausforderungen, while the university in Ruhigem Fahrwasser zu halten,” said Brebaum. That is why the policy of the corona pandemic and – jointly with the president – management in the hacker gangs will be a fact in the summer of 2022. The responsible work is another diverse Baumaßnahmen in Münster and Steinfurt, which have started a climate protection and energy management and energy management initiative and have had their own structure changes in der Verwaltung – etwa in de Bereichen Personal und Finanzen – op de Weg.

While eight years have great potential for the figure: The Hüffer Campus in Münster is fertigzustellend, who is starting a construction project on the Technology Campus Steinfurt and starting the climate-justified university of the university of applied sciences. “Zudem is a sale of shares that end up on the labor market or on the financial market of the countries. Darauf must respond to our professional college. Selbstverständlich nehmen wir besentlichen Changesprozessen die Beschäftigten en Studierendenden mit.’

Grundsätzlich is als Ziel, the FH Münster common with all Beschäftigten and Partners*innen zukunftsfähig zu gestalten and voranzubringen. “The university can be in one of the unsicherheiten geprägten Zeit Menschen Orientierung sowie Halt beeten and einen opportunityenkeukens Zugang zur Bildung ermöglichen.” Bestenfalls geschehe das nicht nur in higher Qualität: “Wir wollen Studierenden, Beschäftigten, Partnersinnen und Partnersn ‘Lust auf morgen.’ machen“, Brebaum plays on the new official Claim der Hochschule an. “I love myself, I wish I could live here!”

You can devote your entire life to a good and trustworthy education in the presidency, the college, the fachbeeichen, the management of the central service institutions, the civilized as well as interest and study returns. “The fact that we were able to continue our careers with a dedicated student at our university was able to continue our careers,” said FH President Prof. Dr. Frank Dellmann. Guido Brebaum stands for Verlässlichkeit and Stabilität, i.e. the President. “Unser Kanzler has always, even in critical circumstances, demonstrated excellent quality. “Seine ruhige und besonnene Art ist wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor, damit die Hochschule auch zukünftige Herausforderungen erolgreich meistert,” says the Hochschulratsvorsitzende Herrmann Nientiedt.

Brebaum Wurde am Montag (September 30) in the Rahmen der Hochschulwahlversammlung of the stimulating senators who give impetus to the external Mitgliedern des Hochschulrats. Gegencandidates*ins are not planning: the power of the college may not be that great, the senate and the college have a bisherigen Amtsinhaber in the Benehmen with the wonderful beauty treatments of the Wiederwahl organization. Im Fall von Brebaum is geschehen.