
World Food Program: “Von Humanität benefits all”

World Food Program: “Von Humanität benefits all”

SAID ONLINE: No longer at the Entwicklungszusammenarbeit soll der Rotstift angesetzt was, under the Hilfe for Kriegs- and Katastrofenflüchtlinge. Do you want to know which plants are the most important ingredients for your work?

Frick: It’s glorifying. Schon jetzt fehlen 60 Prozent der notnauwen Mittel. The main financial problems are a brutal divorce that has happened. The fact is that the hunger of life is increasing, one of the famine you have. If you no longer have all the equipment you need, our women will provide you with soothing Mütter and Kleinstkinder. In Afghanistan, the Millionen Menschen must weigh more money from unserer Hilfe ausschließen. The next step is the utmost of children and making a long lifelong guidance. A treatise that never happened: There is a milliard in a Haushalt von 488 Milliarden. But that is since minor Summen im Vergleich zu others Posten.

SAID ONLINE: Are the long-political and Hilfs organizations that have formed in the form of a solidary organization inscrutable or self-conscious with legitimacy? If populists start notifying the notion, they will help choose the right benchmark and their own interests; etwa der Warnung, dass sonst noch more Migrants come.

Frick: It is gold plated for everything: Der Blick auf die Welt muss weiten. Everything benefits from Humanität. In West Africa zum Beispiel work wir mit Dorfgemeinschaften, an Ödland wieder urbar zu machen. It is an adventure and an adventure, it is a climbing walk and a new perspective for young people. Ganz is not bothered by the program that the terrorist group with Boko Haram no longer requires so little effort. Extremismus, Schleuserbanden, Waffenhandel, Schmuggel: Everything is no longer attractive if man is and has other Einkommensmöglichkeiten. Letztlich kommt das auch unsugute, indem is de Welt sicherer haarkracht.

SAID ONLINE: Aber auch sont treten Eigeninterests bei der Hilfspolitik immer stärker in de Vordergrund. Liberal politics or the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie fordern, dass Gelder bevorzugt in Länder fließen sollen, die us im Kampf gegen Russia Unterstützen or wirtschaftlich interesting sind.

Frick: If the understanding with the übersehen, that human rights in first line Abwehr- en Forderungsrechte gegenüber dem Staat darstellen. Two people live here, who say, in states, that these functions cannot be inherited. If a few people with a economic relationship die now, the states will fall out of the Hilfe race. If the Stecker no longer gets into trouble, you risk that Dakar in Kabul will have an unstable situation.

SAID ONLINE: Besonder that your work is the human right to an angemessene Ernährung. Do you want to know if this is not possible?

Frick: Nein, gerade in Deutschland stops with the social organizations such as the Bundesregierung das Recht op Nahrung political hoch. The problem is the global turnaround. Once that happens, the ernährung system is mainly locally specialized and diversifiable.


Frick: We have entered the pandemic, while we are in the first Ukrainian crisis, while Schockwellen can exclude the global global charity activities, and that the weapons of the poor and the struggle will disappear. If you have your own Gemüsegarten, in your own Anbau, then it is worth changing Schocks. This self-service organization is one of the many things man must do to meet a million people. More involvement in this topic is one of the most important climate protection perspectives. As a Kleinbauer – or other besser: Kleinbäuerinnen, the Drittel als Frauen – fördern, then you can no longer work in your country and earn money. If there is a problem with the atmosphere, the artificial light cannot shine and our living system will be well stabilized. Of course capitalism, it’s a plunder: it’s a matter of a human being that matters.

SAID ONLINE: The United Nations, before the war, are a political manifestation of international solidarity. Before one of the UN Zukunftsgipfel in New York went to Ende. Were we to have more decisions as to the law and soul, which has been arranged for the longest time in UN accommodation since, etwa in the 17 UN accommodations?

Frick: That appears to be noticeable. Because it’s all UN Ritual, a whole litany of resolutions have implemented their cuts and relaxations, with a few millimeters more formations or nur – it was still the case that they prevented, that’s a clear statement. If it is only a little bit of a shame, it is true that the Weltgemeinschaft with the Authority of eight billion people increasingly has a Universality of the Beschlossenen Rechte. These Standards are a great source of inspiration for many people. If the Zivilgesellschaft is damaged, self-direction cannot be hereditary. When the UN did that, it was a club of 193 governments. The UN made a mistake in its history. While anchoring the world and the rules when necessary, it was all barbaric certainty. If you want to know more about the display of the jewelry regimes. There is a problem with the right to the nahrung.

SAID ONLINE: It’s very frustrating when you have such an uninspired passion.

Frick: With that reality, the Hilfs organization could make a constructive design and neither help the indigenous people, minority people, women, children, other people. These groups can then join the UN at Gipfeln Sitz and Stimme, a kind of: Wir kümmern uns. If you stop the mass stab, an undertaking is as good as you deal with the Schwächsten.

SAID ONLINE: If the UN has adopted a normative standard, there is a higher debt burden or more Fairness in world trade.

Frick: The passion continues. An active policy is the Fund for Verluste en Schäden in the Rahmen of the UN Climate Handlungen, the only real reality. It is one of the most important international solidarity organizations that has helped the world’s government, while they still lead, but they will probably turn beige. Jetzt müssen is urgently one of the global trade sales, weil there with sinking prices for Primärgüter and rising prices for the Einfuhr von Grundnahrungsmitteln die Ernährungssicherheit in Dutzenden von Ländern gefährdet.

SAID ONLINE: Do you see your work with this theme, a momentum?

Frick: Of course it is always Frage: cui bonowhere was it davon? The large landwirtschaftlichen exporter in arms Countries photos are now a small Elite. It is not the case that the Dünger nach Afrika produces a large amount of nur der production from Gütern for Europe nur. 80 Prozent der Ernährung in Africa south of the Sahara gewährleisten Kleinbauern, inihnen müssen wir ansetzen. And if so, the national regimes will be taken a step further in their self-education.

SAID ONLINE: The fight against famine is one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, but most other companies are also more defenders of the fort. Next week the first Hamburg Sustainability Conference will follow the international SDGs conference. Is the project of the Bundesentwicklungsministeriums (BMZ) and other initiators a waste?

Frick: I stop building a good initiative, even though Anfang’s private sector is busy with its world. We can solve the world’s complex problems if we can work in silos.

SAID ONLINE: Frühere öffentlich-private Partnerschaften were eher operativesarm …

Frick: Politics is the Bohren-harter Bretter: The gilding for the Entwicklungspolitik is not as important as in other political parties. It is an opportunity, coalitions will come together, they say, that’s more.

SAID ONLINE: The sociologist Heinz Bude has written a statement of solidarity, which has a “big idea”, one with its purpose. Do you see how the dramatic world is taking on a new life?

Frick: Durchaus. The climate walk is a big Sorge, which occupies a position of power: this problem is so big that it can no longer happen if some other things happen. In all the Schmerzen, the preparedness, with all the fragmentation and all the conflicts, I find even more people who move, that is to say, with a common community – and you de Katastrofe führt uns voor Augen, that with Solidarität a brauchen, an unseren planetaire Lebensraum zu erhalten .