
Forderung an the Bundestag – Petition gegen umstrittene Humboldt Forum-Fassade startedet – Politik

Forderung an the Bundestag – Petition gegen umstrittene Humboldt Forum-Fassade startedet – Politik

Berlin (dpa/bb) – Kulturschaffende Passage in un Bundestagspetition und Umgang mit de Rekonstruierten Schlossfassade des Berliner Humboldt Forums. The petition submitted by the Bundestag, “which would have been a definitive pre-edition, which was veranschaulicht indem of the scourges of the Ortes”, is in a Mitteilung der Initiators, by Journalists, Historiker and Architekten.

“The architecture (…) forms a whole picture of the world, which is entirely unchanged from the Preußen and the German Kaiserreich since 1918,” this is in the Mitteilung. This time there is right-wing populism and fatal radicalism. Der Bau has continued the Spuren “a German Gewaltschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts im Straßenraum ausradiert and durch an idealisierte Deckerinnerung an eine imperialist Monarchie abgelöst”, wrote the Initiative “Schlossaneignung”.

The war petition was declared in April and could provide a solution. It could end on November 7.

Museumstiftung wehr sich gegen Kritik

If you spend your money on a problem, you can make a switch. The Reconstruction of the Barock-Fassade of the Ausstellungs- und Kulturzentrums-war with more than 100 million euros in private expenditure can be financed by the private Förderverein Berliner Schloss. This monetary beschaffung once made the Humboldt forum negative.

The Stiftung Humboldt Forum is interested in the criticism, which improves the progress and state of affairs in the subject matter. “Various works of art, which are the art of the art of construction, are different from each other with the effect of the other works of art,” he is in a stellungnahme. If you spend the largest amount of money, you can spend the foundation with your money. The foundation cannot and will not make any more anonymous expenditures if you only spend money on the best expenditures you can make.

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