
“It can be fast in Germany”

“It can be fast in Germany”

Berlin. The right-wing nationals in Austria are habitual: First and foremost, the fpö in the Federal Republic of Germany are strong enough – they have not been around for a long time since 2017, secretly given instead of having flown: biza aufgenommenes video released, with the FPÖ chief Heinz-Christian Strache Pläne zur Korruption und Medienmanipulation met een Russian Oligarchin schmiedete.

The „Ibiza affair“ led to the end of the coalition, at the Neuwahlen the FPÖ started on 16 Prozent ab. Am Sonntag wurde si mit 29.2 Prozent stärkste Kraft. In the RND interview the power of the “Ibiza videos” is described by the Vienna-born security guard and the best author Julian Hessenthaler, who could find all Skandale dazu kommen.

Take a look at a personal conversation with Hessenthaler in the podcast:

Herr Hessenthaler, with Ihrem Ibiza-Video, said during the Österreichern 2019 for August that the FPÖ is for its political power, the country and the freedom of the press that it provides. Who could now enjoy the year that the Skandal Valley has now won the Bundesweite Wahl?

During the investigation of the Ibiza affair, especially during the negotiation, it may be that the FPÖ’s damaging coalition partner, the conservative ÖVP, is a fragile trading partner. This is Wahlbee influence, media manipulation and corruption. Drop the FPÖ brand name on the ÖVP – with the shame that it is more absurd than the FPÖ as an anti-corruption party inszenierte – and that is part of the description of the company.

If Ihr Video 2019 became available, we would like to know more about it, as ÖVP-Kanzler Sebastian Kurz will receive the approval. The FPÖ’s war was postponed by the Minister of the Interior Herbert Kickl. Ausgerechnet is what the FPÖ does as a participating party and now zum Wahlsieg is führt. Who is what?

The “Ibiza” Skandal was able to abwälzen on the harmful Party Chef Strache and on Johannes Gudenus, quasi the Fraktionschef – when they were in the video. And the FPÖ war will happen as the ÖVP and the distance between the two protagonists. So you can quickly see yourself as “gesäubert”. During this period, during Corona and Ukraine, the issues can be answered. If the AfD still has sense, it has its own medion apparatus. So you can spread your propaganda directly and reflect the ‘mainstream media’ and your opinions.

- Wien 30.06.2024 - Heute empfing der FPÖ-Chef in the Wiener Intercontinental Hotel with a number of Prime Ministers of the Czech ex-Prime Minister in Vienna. It is a fact that the FPÖ delegation leaders in the EU Parliament have conducted an investigation into one of the results in the EU Parliament. PHOTO: from the Left of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, FPÖ Chief Herbert Kickl. // Vienna AUSTRIA - Today the FPÖ leader received the Hungarian Prime Minister and the former Czech Prime Minister in Vienna at the Intercontinental Hotel in Vienna. The three made a statement together with the head of the FPÖ delegation to the EU Parliament. Right-wing populists meet in Wien *** Vienna 30 06 2024 Today the FPÖ leader received the PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUT

FPÖ in Austria strongest Kraft: Does Orban care about unions?

Österreich has gewählt, and the right-wing extreme FPÖ is the strongest kraft paper. Who wants to follow Austria and what kind of Europe? An Ausblick by Sven Christian Schulz.

What was Herbert Kickl like in the FPÖ legacy?

There is another political type like the Vorgänger Strache, the über “Ibiza” stürzte. Strache war ein Lebemann, Kickl ist der asketische Typ – ideological triebener en gefestigter. There is a war going on for the FPÖ-tätig, now led as Redenschreiber and Mann der Zweiten, led Guard. In the Corona-Zeit there is then a potential for the first insight – with a more aggressive anti-Corona policy: so verschwörungstheoretical, it is part of the own party of our lives. After the war was very big, the provision of others became part of the pandemic and the war. The Direction of the ÖVP and Grünen is a more political Führung-mangeln-lassen. So Kickl became one of the front men of the FPÖ establishments.

Sein Gewinnerthema war nun die Migration. Schon ihren Aufstieg thanked the FPÖ for the Flight Crisis 2015, now hosted by ÖVP-Chef Kurz, for his programmatic copy. Will the Österreicher come to the end of a passionate asylum police – and will we see the mystery of the FPÖ back road?

If the ÖVP is a proprietary Skandale hat on the Kerbholz hat. A bigger problem in Germany is a Brandmauer who is not a gibt for the AfD in Österreich. The FPÖ war was a more junior partner in a Bundesregierung – first in the 1980s under social democracy.

The war is not as radical as it is now under Kickl.

Stimt. Make sure that the Zweiten Weltkrieg comes from the other SS-Garden reform. The Nazi Vergangenheit is one of the most important issues that positions the Beispiel’s policy against anti-Semitism. Aber Österreich is different from Deutschland. It is true that after the NS-Zeit immer nur in der Opferrolle gesehen: „Die Deutschen is uns ja überfallen!“ Österreich ist prägt vom Impuls, Verantwortung wegzuschieben: „Wir since Opfer von Migration, von EU-Politik, von was auch immer. “So if there is no conflict of interest, there is no turbulent culture, but the boundaries of political life will still change in Germany – neither. If all goes well, this can happen quickly. Things move so quickly in Österreich.

“Nach Ibiza” was published in Verlag Goldegg.

“Nach Ibiza” was published in Verlag Goldegg.

Julian Hessenthaler how the Ibiza affair and its followers of politics in Österreich and their lives were written into a book: “After Ibiza: The long treasures of my Skandal videos. Warum unsere Demokratie in Gefahrist“ ist there yet in Goldegg-Verlag.