
The Laufgruppe Bad Waldsee in Stuttgart.

A strong recovery and the Challenge des Jahres war der Mega March über 100 Kilometers in Stuttgart for Sarah Friedrich von der Laufgruppe Bad Waldsee. You could definitely do more mountain hikes and a half marathon in 2024. The war lasted no longer than 100 kilometers with approx. 2000 Höhenmetern dying in 24 Stunden zurück gelegt were mussten.

Bei Strahlendem Sonnenschein follow-up to the start at 12.30 pm at the 1062 Teilnehmer am Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart. Vorbei am VFB Trainingsstadion am Neckar entlang Richtung Schloss Rosenstein. Weiter zum English direction Killesberg and through the beeindruckenden Wälder and Landschaften around Stuttgart.

After 20 kilometers the first of the first transport stations are available. Here you go to Essen and Trinken. If you don’t eat snacks, coffee or cola during the night, it’s time to get motivated.

In the night that marches through Esslingen and the wonderful Sonnenaufgang were enjoyed in the Weinbergen. The roads were super marked by the Kreidespray and were so resistant that it could no longer work. Also, there were other Teilnehmer in Sichtweite. So ergaben sich net Gespräche und de Zeit bordering wie in Fluge.

With Willenskraft, Blasen and the Füßen, Sarah das Ziel had a great success in the Porsche Arena to the Mercedes-Benz Museum after 100 kilometers in 20:20:00. Of the 1062 Startern rooms there are now 630 ins Ziel. It seems that everything revolves around Sarah’s mental and mental life. Cheers!!!

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