
Freenet Action: Deutsche Bank erhöht Kursziel auf 33 Euro – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

Freenet Action: Deutsche Bank erhöht Kursziel auf 33 Euro – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

Die Freenet AG Be sure that you can do the display of your Quartalszahlen and the erwartungen is so. The Deutsche Bank Research has a kürzlich ihr Course soul for the Freenet promotion from 30 to 33 euros, the purchase “Buy” can be carried out. Analyst Lars Vom-Cleff predicts a moderate Wachstum and spekuliere, which the Mobilfunkanbieter will probably have won the first Hinweise on the year 2028.

Freenet Action: Deutsche Bank erhöht Kursziel auf 33 Euro – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

Investor sentiment was positive

In Forensic Investigation it is a sensible view to give an example. A few investors have put the interest on the stock market, while the share price of 30 euros has developed, while other investors see the 32.34 euros in the year 2018 as profitable. With an active dividend of 7.42% and a KGV of 11.87, the Freenet promotion is much more attractive. The Quartalsmitteilung zum 30. September 2024 am 8. November weitere Weitere in the finanzielle Entwicklung des Unternehmens geben.


Freenet promotion: Buy or sell?! New FreenetAnalyzeon September 30th, love Antwort:

The nose of Freenet-Zahlen spreads a clear message: Urgent Handlongsbedarf for Freenet-Aktionäre. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? The time had come in the free analysis on September 30.

Freenet: Buy or sell? Read more here…

Course and further information about the theme:

Freenet AG

Current discussions on the theme:

Freenet Group – WKN A0Z2ZZ (27.09.24)
Freenet: Platow Brief Speculiert … (25.11.22)
Freenet 2012, an Promotion with … (26.05.22)

Actuelle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen:

Freenet Action: Deutsche Bank erhö. (19:58)
Freenet Action: Deutsche Bank erhö. (28.09.24)
Freenet Action: Starke achievements. (26.09.24)
Freenet Promotion: Come here. (26.09.24)
Freenet Action: Stabiler Kurs and a. (22.09.24)

Alle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen

Current analyzes of the Unternehmen:

Freenet AG