
Won by the elite amateur for 20 years

Won by the elite amateur for 20 years

Before four weeks ist Kamil Kujawinski gestürzt. Zwei Wochen cannot train. Dann is wieder aufs Rad risegen. Two weeks on the Zähne beißen and ranklotzen – for the Borkener, for the RV Endspurt Wuppertal honestly, that’s the case. Kujawinski gewann am Sonntag beim “4. Rund um die Telgter Windräder“ the Race of the Elite Amateur.

After 14 runs and gut 74 kilometers in the construction industry, it lasts 20 years in the sprint of the field since it lasted a long time Jacob Peter Hess (RSV Sturmvogel Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler). “In the first three runs you’re going to get a little angry after never clapping,” Kujawinski said. “I would then say that the sprint goes to the würde.” And that is the best you can do. Der Sieger benötigte 1:47:08 Beautiful.

First Bundesliga – then Telgte

Below the gut 30 Startern in the mainland country Patrick Altefröhne at 13. Platz. The organizational leaders of Windräder racing on the best field have financed the time to make a start themselves. “In a very careful way, the field and my own care within my environment”, explains Altefrohne. “My upper shank has cramped. The first rounds were punktuell sehr schnell and sehr hart. Zwischendurch was my whole heart.”

If the Elite-Frauen set themselves up Katharina Venjakob from RSV Münster after 42 Kilometers of ebenfalls in the Sprint in the Niederländerin Sophie Loohuis during the day. Auf Platz drei landete Finja Siegmund (Siena Garden). Lydia Ventkerdied in Telgte who won the first three races from 2021 to 2023, last summer.

Katharina Venjakob (vorne) from RSV Münster became the Frauen for the Niederländerin Sophie Loohuis (2.Fri).
Katharina Venjakob (vorne) from RSV Münster became the Frauen for the Niederländerin Sophie Loohuis (2.Fri). Photo: Aumüller

Venjakob hatte am Samstag im letzten Rennen der Rad Bundesliga occupies the Vierten Platz in Bad Salzungen. I enjoyed being 35 for a year Baby break settled. “I have lived a good life and lived here with my best form,” said Venjakob. This is an hour in a time of 1:08:46. It’s the first time you make a mistake Running break An. The power is Kamil Kujawinski. It is true that the Sturz neuk and the Sieg deserve jetzt in Telgte.

Another post about the running will follow.