
Rhineland-Palatinate: Messerattacke in Wittlich: Angeklagter plädiert auf innocent

Rhineland-Palatinate: Messerattacke in Wittlich: Angeklagter plädiert auf innocent

Status: 30.09.2024 19:27 Uhr

A US soldier from Spangdahlem Air Base will carry out a military mission for a military base in Spangdahlem in 2023.

Michael Ovshannikov might have a good time. Before you can spend a year, it’s time to use the Wittlicher Säubrennerkirmes. “That was natural for us all,” said Ovshannikov. Part of the story was in jener Nacht passionrt.

The Eltern des Opfers der Tödlichen Messerattacke auf der Säubrennerkirmes in Wittlich courten auf Gerechtigkeit.

From the process, which is where the US military at the Flugplatz Spangdahlem started, it is a response to its attacking fragments. Perhaps a woman is a woman who has never started with the statement: “Wir können de gezen Prozess nicht verolgen. Wer können at all nicht verstehen, worum es geht, da wir keine english Sprache beherrschen. Daskracht uns natürlich sehr, sehr nervös.”

The problem is: there is no English-language trade anymore. An American soldier can no longer use a dolphin for trading words. There is a problem with the family not being used. Another example of a German Gerichtsverfahren that the Ovsjannikovs did not auftreten as Nebenkläger in the Verhandlung, nur beobachten, was for itself: “Wir sind eigentlich nicht mehr as Zuschauer.”

Tödliche Messerstiche: Genaue Tatumstände unclear

The rolled, it is a fact that you play in the Wittliche Säubrennerkirmes – a Volksfest, which already robs 100,000 people. A US soldier from the US Air Base Spangdahlem left on the night of August 19, 2023 at the age of 28.

It is unclear whoever thinks it, the Messersticen are coming. The Säubrennerkirmes were alive during the holidays. It’s quite a challenge and then a Gerangel, so die the Polizei. Two US soldiers were captured in the latest police report. They would keep the attack of the American Messerattack festivities and the US Behörden in Spangdahlem in the air.

Either would walk the paths and focus U.S. Air Force base efforts on the SWR attack. Details about the Art of Writing were not disclosed.

There is a plea of ​​not guilty

Before targeting the American soldier, help the Messer as best you can. The Tatwaffe would be a später in the Lieser funds. The arrangement of the NATO Treaty Statutes no longer finds the trial against Mann before a German Zivilgericht, but before an American military judge for the Luftwaffenstützpunkt Spangdahlem-statt.

This is an unauthorized procedure. It is not clear who was at fault. It is possible that the US military is arguing that it has been 28 years since the Streit in Notwehr hatt erstochen.

Jury is separated

If you have stoked the fear, a jury can find you guilty or innocent. The eight Geschworenen, who are separated, are officially and militarily of the lower rank, but none are stationed in Spangdahlem.

Where could a US military verdict be settled?

Kurz after the Tödlichen Messersticchen in Wittlich Wurde der Fall and the US-Ermittler winter, weil es ich bei the Tatverdächtigen a Militärangehörige aus Spangdahlem acts. It’s the purpose of them NATO Troppen Statute. The statute was amended in 1951 by the NATO Mitgliedsstaatsbeschlossen. It is the rule of NATO forces and tension in the territory of other NATO states. Demnach hat der Aufnahmestaat das Vorrecht, a trial that an Australian military power has been given to fight, it is a criminal bar that has been given power. If a German Special Regulation keeps an eye on the Federal Republic of Germany, these proceedings will be regularly and the US administrators will be subject to further penalties. Ausnahmen since Fall, in den den den den penvalischen Ausländischen Soldaten in ihrem Heimatland who würde Todesstrafe drohen. It is a fall of the Messerattacke on the Säubrennerkirmes nach Einschätzung van Juristen not of the Fall. Deshalb was addressed to the army by the American soldier at the Spangdahlem Stehen air base.

If you focus on the research, you can use the following data: you can find the various tatwaffe, a meser, DNA probes, photo and video aufnahmen. First sows are first and the next stages of marketing have begun.

Bürgermeister erwartet “faires Verfahren”

For the Stadt Wittlich, Stadtbürgermeister Joachim Rodenkirch (CDU) was the Prozess for Ort. There is an honest story, like the SWR: “I don’t like Zweifel daran, that’s the way it is here.” Before everything is served with Blick auf de Familie des Opfers, there is a dish that is Urteil – until the Leben no longer comes out of the cupboard.

The military trial at the US Spangdahlem Air Base can achieve a goal.

The criminal offenses of the US Luftwaffe are classified as murder with intent to kill or cause great bodily harm. If one of the air bases is dispersed, the English “murder” will no longer be with the German Straftat truce “Mord”, which can be changed in the best circumstances.

Laut of the US-Air Base is the Mann-wegen (a human) with the search for greater or greater damage, angeklagt. Außerdem, Justiz’s anger and disadvantage were taken away.

Stronger punishment after US law?

In a treatise that earned the American soldiers a unit from the army and a long prison sentence. A lawyer who is familiar with American law, says the SWR, which is treated by American law and punished with a longer period in prison, if the German law of autumn issues.

The best is the Rhineland-Palatinate Justice Minister Herbert Mertin (FDP). There are stories in the American legal system, such as the politics of the SWR. Nur in einem Fall würde deutsche Justiz einschreiten: “It is for a problem, if the Todesstrafe dries. Then muss man with the American Behörden-handel.”

If you start with the military trials established by the American soldiers, there is a jury of eight battles over the individual hours. You are on the Plätzen with the processing.

Plädoyers für Mittwoch erwartet

First became the Verteidiger and the Staatsanwaltschaft in the version of the Tatnacht-darlegen. These plädoyers were included in the content. Michael Ovshannikov then said that there are some good things.

The military process at Spangdahlem Air Base is now for people, the flight to the base is unacceptable. Der Prozess soll bis zum 11. Oktober dauern. If one of the American Luftwaffenstützpunktes is carried out during the sale, also on 3. October, the Tag der Deutschen Einheit.

Send am Mon., 30.9.2024 6:00 PM, SWR Aktuell Rheinland-Pfalz, SWR RP

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