
High-tech World Power Taiwan: Who is the Computer Chip Monopol entstand

High-tech World Power Taiwan: Who is the Computer Chip Monopol entstand

The fear of China moved Taiwan to such risks, which no one cared about. A visionary minister laid out the basis for a beispiellose technological solution in a political memorandum.

Computer chips have been connecting Taiwan and the US for a long time.

Computer chips have been connecting Taiwan and the US for a long time.

Illustration Jasmin Hegetschweiler / NZZ

The vision of Taiwan’s computer chip industry is located in a nudello classroom in Taipei city center. Dort trafen sich 1974 siben Taiwanische Funktionäre zum Frühstück. When you talk about how Taiwan’s industrial industry can develop. When the war takes place in the Ende area, it concerns a hotel zimmer. A second plan for computer chip production in Taiwan.

Computer chips, such as Halbleiter, are unique to the Leben label. You can plug into the socket by electronic Alltagsgegenstandden, Autos, Handys, Flugzeugen. 60 Prozent alle Chips and 90 Prozent der modern Chips, the technologies with 5G or smart intelligence are being reworked in Taiwan. My best friend from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).

Taiwan is the best chip producer in the world. Such is the case with the Taiwanese population in the US.

Nixon in China

The development of Taiwan’s chip industry began in the late 1960s. The end of the 1960s. Taiwanese Minister KT Li will continue to develop Taiwan’s industrialization. A deal with the American chip repairer Texas Instruments (TI) is possible. If the company supplies, a number of products are produced in Taiwan. Either way, the American Halbleiter industry will be used by the American-Chinese Forscher industry. There’s a good chance this is a bad thing, destroying Taiwan.

Kurz danach durchlebt Taiwan a beispiellose political criticism. The end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949 was the siegreichen Kommunisten für sich, the rightful defender of the Chinese people. It is possible that the war in Taiwan will be continued by Chiang Kai-shek’s Chinese policies. In 1971, the United Nations General Assembly separated, communist China as the “legitimate representative of China in the United Nations and Chiang Kai-sheks UNO representatives from the United States. Taiwan loses international recognition as a non-hanging state.

When an American president of the Chinese Communist Party was targeted by Richard Nixon a year ago, the Taiwanese president began to fumigate. Militarily, the Chinese Festland is Taiwan, since 1964 the Chinese Festland has been an Atomic Power. Nun directs the international analysis for the Inselstaatweg.

Li, the Taiwanese minister, is not the best country of the USA. Economic commitment to a single, goal-oriented strategy has come to an end. You can see the US in the US, when you are in Taiwan, if you are overprotective.

American know-how and Taiwanese efficiency

Anfang der 1970er las zwar zahlreiche Firmen in Taiwan Elektrogeräte zeeammenbauen. The fact that the country has its own industrial industry is not that interesting. Then you will find the functionality in the nudellokal. And if that’s what you want, so be it.

Pan Wen-Yuan, an American-Chinese engineer, is the project manager in the skizziert hotel project. There is only one more thing that Taiwan has done in the United States. Consider the American Halbleiterunternehmen Radio Corporation of America (RCA) equipment. Nun überzeugt is a früheren arbitration, Taiwan, the technology zum production of computer chips to ensure refinement. 1976 the RCA started with the Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) with a Wissenstransfer and a Lizenzvertrag.

The ITRI war will last a year before the Taiwanese government is initiated. It is industrial development that makes technological innovation possible. Nun would have built a test factory on the ITRI site. Darin sollen Computer chips for electronics are redistributed and then sold.

Pannen Plan its own standard Taiwanese chip production is a bigger challenge for the country. You can do this together with the ITRI-trained young engineer. These are shown in the US.

At the end of 1977, Taiwanese engineering started to produce computer chips in the Testfabrik. With gross inheritance. It is clear that the Taiwanese chips are fehlerfrei sind. The Ausbeute in the RCA factory in the US is 50 percent. The Taiwanese engineers arrived at the test factory after producing 70 percent.

Who is the Taiwanese engineer who spent time and became more efficient as his American Lehrer? The responses of the Taiwanese political core, the issues and the advocacy of the ITRI play a role in the NZZ issue. If you are aware of the Taiwanese work ethic: “Taiwan has become a man who lives a long life. Not that it is a work in progress.”

After the successful delivery of the test factory, the foundation has been created for the Taiwanese Halbleiter industry. In 1980, United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) became the first Taiwanese chip repairer with the ITRI and RCA project. Ganz ended up in Taiwan due to the mistaken purchase of the RCA by a major exporter of electric motors.

The Blankocheck

But Li, the minister, has joined the Entwicklungsstand. Trotz der Zusammenarbeit met der RCA is an international company in the production of chips for chip making in Taiwan. The inselstaat is still skilled in one of the most common aspects of the Chip Wertschöpfungskette: testing chips and connecting electrical devices. Damit with each other, wendet with Li and Morris Chang.

Change one of the best figures in the Chip-Entwicklung at all. There was Hong Kong left in the US in 1949. Kale Darauf started at Texas Instruments, one of the most important companies in the economic era of the Halbleiter industry. The whole year has turned into a reflection on international life. Li knows Chang, since 1968 he has been aware of Taiwan’s history in Taiwan.

1985 Li Chang ein Angebot: Chang became president of ITRI and took command of Taiwan’s chip industry. Zur Verwirklichung Seines Plans soll ist einem Controlle des Taiwanese Regierung erhalten.

Chang wants one. A plan is crude, unprecedented, revolutionary.

Chang will have the idea in Taiwan to realize a «professional foundry», by the German «professional Giesserei», gemeint is a Chip-Fabrik. The design of the design of the chips and the process of designing the production of these products. Professional chip manufacturers will help restore the product and restore factory settings. If there are more gemäss, you can use more moving parts, chips bloom on konzipiers. One of the best things you can do is order at the Auftragsfertigern.

If the Stelle on ITRI changes, the idea of ​​​​the Auftragsfertigung in Expertkreisen is possible. IBM and Motorola have done their best to determine this direction for years. But Chang is the first, the concept of the Auftragsfertigung with Vehemenz sequel.

Revolution ‘made in Taiwan’

Change the model from the factory model for the Chip-Fabrik and present it in the Taiwanese direction. No one knows that the project has come to an end and what it is all about: it is very difficult to do. The direction will be a fact.

As the Taiwanese Regie has started, 48 companies of starting capitalizations for the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) are setting up and carrying out major business investments for their gewähren.

When such a technology partner becomes a new technology partner, it changes from a professional TI and a chip repairer Intel, but both lehnen either. The non-European commercial technology of Philips has come to an end, which has called on TSMC for a Beteiligung of 27.5 companies from the technology and patent sector.

1987 nimmt TSMC den Betrieb auf. Und der Erfolg perishes.

Those who prophesy from Chang, TSMC’s power for the firms will probably end up in half the market. With TSMC’s Gründung, all “manufacturer” Chip Designers are partners and save the costs of in-house production. All power has changed: TSMC did not become its own Chips graft yard. It was now being produced. These slips of the tongue are performed secondarily.

It is important to understand the technological advances that von Chang has made, leading to significant investments in chip production. It is now possible to produce a large number of chips. And that is TSMC.

Whoever spends the years in the US will be an essential factor in the Taiwan era. We look at the TSMC technology that has developed in Silicon Valley, the world of the Halbleiter industry. One of the first experiences with TSMC is the American Chip Designer. In the 1990s, TSMC chips in the US were halved.

Heute generiert TSMC fast 70 Prozent seiner Erträge in de USA. American firms with Apple and Nvidia weld their chips from TSMC production.

KT lies to carry out the development of the technology for years, a economic development in the USA in the USA and in Taiwan, so that it becomes easier to work. The plan is in motion: Heute is Taiwan for the US, one of the lives that weigh more heavily as damals. And the American story, Taiwan before China, became bigger.