
Neuer Generalsekretär Mark Rutte tritt an – DW – 30.09.2024

Neuer Generalsekretär Mark Rutte tritt an – DW – 30.09.2024

Mark Rutte has opened his mouth and raised the Spruch. If there is no Prime Minister’s War yet, there is a war with the Fahrrad of a modest home in The Hague near the Amtssitz. The talented pianist plays on an open keyboard at the Hauptbahnhof. In a school there is regular political support.

If the NATO general were to do a diplomatic job, it would be a matter of time and become more diplomatic. The Seine Hauptaufgabe becomes clearer, wider interest is established among the 32 member states of the Allianz and within an hour there is a degree of certainty. “The most important representative of the Generalsekretärs is the Allianz’s demand to become gewährleisten,” said Timo Koster, a former NATO diplomat, speaking to DW. Rutte’s Vorgänger, the Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg, war against a stoischer Meister.

Jens Stoltenberg puts a friendly arm on Mark Rutte on the Schulter
The Laden sisters: Mark Rutte and Vorgänger Jens Stoltenberg (right.) since both BrückenbauerImage: NATO

Job as NATO General Secretary: “unglaubly interesting”

“Wahre Führung is the quality of the offer and the different perspectives of what it offers,” which the 56-year-old Rutte himself once said in a speech. During the war in June, when the NATO Chiefs Session comes, Mark Rutte comes to his office at the Binnenhof in The Hague and takes a few selfies with tourists. Dann is a reporter with spieltere information: “Naja, eigentlich wollte ich den Job am Anfang gar nicht.” People are looking forward to it, we are there, so Rutte. “Maybe in Ukraine it was a passion, and the great instability in the world, I thought about it, I can’t even have a problem. It’s an unclear interesting position.”

Die Zugeständnisse by Mark Rutte and Viktor Orban

Due to the inclination of the Niederländer, of the 13 years that four complex coalitions-regierungs played, they expired in June, which has been a statement of a Mann-Wahlkampf in the headquarters of the NATO state for a few years in October. In July 2023, the Wahlen died in the lost Netherlands and won the party of the right-wing extremist Gert Wilders. As transatlantic and fierce researchers of Ukraine can study the history of the US and the very meistent results of the übersows.

While the European atmosphere Viktor Orban lasts longer. The right-wing national Prime Minister must inform Mark Rutte by letter so that he can no longer offer his Amtszeit as NATO general an alliance with Ukraine to the NATO countries. Waffenlieferungen und de Ukraine schloss der Russland zuneigende Viktor Orban ebenfalls aus.

Mark Rutte umart Wolodymyr Selenskyj
Embrace for Ukrainian President Selenskyj in France in June: Rutte unterstützt of the Abwehrkampf against RussiaImage: Christian Hartmann/REUTERS

The liberal Niederländer and the illiberal Ungar were in the European Union after another life. Mark Rutte has given Viktor Orban a great opportunity in 2021, if he no longer fits in the EU, he can do so. Orbán has blamed Rutte and Allen Krisen in the EU.

Can Mark Rutte kill the NATO “Trump-sicher” machine?

Sollte in the US Donald Trump who became the president and NATO in his vision is Mark Rutte. There is a good chance that the US government will get a good idea of ​​Trump. Donald Trump has been busy with his friend, while the liberal chef of the Dutch trading nation has fiercely aroused the power politics of the Republicans.

“Sollte Donald Trump has an Amtszeit-bekommen, dann is de Alliierten zuversichtlich, dass Rutte der Schlüssel dazu ist, de Allianz ‘Trump-sicher’ zu machen. There would be cool, ruhig and aufgeräumt wahrgenommen. There are weiß, who man with übergrosen Ego’s ummeht. Er hat mit Trump gebeitet,” opined Rachel Rizzo of the transatlantic Denkfabrik “Atlantic Council.”

Mark Rutte and Donald Trump sit in the Oval Office and shake hands
If there is no other option, there can also be Trump (re.): Mark Rutte in Oval Office 2018Image: Alex Brandon/photo alliance

It seems that Mark Rutte is Prime Minister in Trump’s government for Waffen love and Ukraine, himself setting up Haubitzen and Kampflugzeuge from the Dutch Armee. The war died in the 13 years that the government of the seiner finanziell nicht gut ausgestattet. Only in those years when the Netherlands was the first years of the NATO soul did Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) for Verteidigung auszugeben.

The Russian Power Thaber Wladimir Putin is dealing with the Niederländer during the war with Misstrauen and Ablehnung, the war in Russia would be the battle with the Verkehrsflugzeuges MH-17 in the Ostukraine 2014. More than 200 people, who are the girls of the Niederländer, came to life around us .

Mark Rutte: more knowledgeable Pragmatist and Visionary

In the European Union, Mark Rutte often calls himself “Mr. No”, an EU diplomat reports. Weitreichende reform plans and visions of Macron, the French presidents, were a Gräuel. With the best Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, Mark Rutte is proud. There can be a break with Italy’s right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. If my sister works together, the destruction of asylum seekers in the Drittstaat will be a fact.

Mark Rutte gave a speech in the National Archives of The Hague
Mark Rutte’s war against the first prime minister, there is a significant difference between the legal aspects of the Netherlands and the Netherlands (Archive 2022) Image: Robin Utrecht/photo alliance

So there was a political attitude, which wrote the biographies of Sheila Sitalsing. Who can use the Entfesselungskünstler is Rutte with a quick Krise herauswinden. A property, the new NATO general posts are no longer important.