
Web tips: Vorsicht, Nahrungsergänzung! | heise online

Web tips: Vorsicht, Nahrungsergänzung! | heise online


Nahrungsergänzungsmittel (NEM) has a strong influence on the Arzneimitteln, but the rightful advantage is large. Während Medikamente ein Zulassungsverfahren duchlaufen, in dem der Anbieter Clinical Studies zur Wirksamkeit and Sicherheit vorlegen muss, gelten NEM offiziell as Lebensmittel. All products from the Hersteller are for the security responsibility, there are several products with the Federal Office for Verbraucherschutz and Lebensmittelsicherheit registrations.

For the word it is schwiedig, when it comes down to it, it is very important that you acknowledge the price. Life is überflüssig or sogar schädlich bis tödlich. The Projekt Klartext Nahrungsergänzung der Verbraucherzentrale NRW klärt auf. If the immune system or immune system is protected, here you will find detailed information about vitamins and mineral substances, substances with CBD (cannabidiol) and melatonin that promote health. The extensive text analyzes these “health claims” and makes it clear to me that they are sinless. If there is an easement, this is one of the most likely consequences of dust that cannot produce serial expenditure; sofern solche Study before, there is a man a Link Dorthin. The site may be exciting and very interesting.

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