
Astra: Schweizer Nationalstrasse is connected in a good way to Zustand

Astra: Schweizer Nationalstrasse is connected in a good way to Zustand

Teaser image-Quelle: Nathan Queloz, Unsplash

The Nationalstravens are in good condition Zustand. Die stellt das Astra im aktuellen Netzzusstandsbericht der Nationalstrassen fest. Es invested 1.2 Billions in 2023 in Signals Unterhalt. If you venture into the Strassen mountains, you can spend more time exploring and enjoying nature on the climbing trails.

Astra: Schweizer Nationalstrasse is connected in a good way to Zustand

Quelle: Nathan Queloz, Unsplash

Das Nationalstrassenetz der Schweiz is the main road; that Astra attests to good notes.

Insgesamt omfasst das Schweizer Nationalstraßennetz 2258.9 kilometers. Nebst der Fahrbahn heard zahlreiche Bauten und Anlagen dazu; Bridges, Tunnel, Betriebs- en Sicherheitsanlagen. It is necessary that the Netz complett has been carried out in the Wiederbeschaffungswert (WBS) that has carried out 141 Billion Francs.

The Bundesamt für Strasen (Astra) spent 1.2 million francs over a year to install the infrastructure. The latest news about the news is in the context of the last years of their life; In 2013, 764 million people died in Australia, in 2018 the Ausgaben were written with 1,054 million first billions. If the German is higher, call the zunehmende bedeutung, the Astra that opens, he is this in the message.

Insgesamt attestiert das Astra in seinem Bericht dem Nationalstrassen in a good Zustand: Rund 88 Prozent der gesamten Anlagen arefinden sich in a guten oder annehmbaren Zustand (Zustandsklasses 1 and 2 of insgesamt fünf Klassen). At the Fahrbahnen and Belägen, 97 Prozent as gut or der mitel bewertet (Zustandsklasse 1 and 2), rund three Prozent as ausreichend (Zustandsklasse 3).

Zustandserfassung und -bewertung der Nationalstraßen

The electrical construction work was renewed and replaced every year. Some analyzes and elements of a structure are carried out so that the research continues. These ergebnisse images the Grundlage for the Planung der Unterhaltsarbeiten auf dem Nationalstrassennetz. The new Netzzus position message shows the position as of Ende 2023. Sanierungsarbeiten, which started in 2024 or went through the war, are no longer visible.

For construction works, which are included in class classes 1 to 4, the security is not provided in Frage. In class 4 structures, the situation is not as great as the mass. During construction works of the stufe 5, the masses were informed about the ersatz of single elements, installation of provisional abstützungen or einführung a weight description at Brücken. (mgt)

From the Kunstbauten – etwa Brücken, Wildtierüberführungen or Galerien – were 91 Prozent as gut or der akzeptafel bewertet. Knapp 9 Prozent weisen gemäss Bericht mittelschwere Schäden auf (Zustandsklasse 3), all things are in good condition with regard to traffic and traffic safety, which helps with the Astra. With a cattle 0.7 percent of the construction work, the Astra has a bad construction fest (industry class 4): The traffic and traffic safety is also important for these construction activities, they must become healthier or improve in the following years.

Kein Tunnel laut Astra in alarmierendem Zustand

78 Prozent der untersuchten Tunnels can be found in a guten or an Akzeptablen Zustand (Zustandsklasse 1 and 2). 19 Please note that the damage was due to the damage caused by the overdue damage (Zustandsklasse 3). If the construction works are in perfect condition and must therefore be cleaned in a moderately fresh way, it is more important. – In alarming cases or perhaps not least, before entering the tunnel.

The Betriebs- und Sicherheitsauslastungen (BSA) met Kabelanlagen, Beleuchtungen or Signalisaties find more value in the technical specifications: 85 Prozent sind in gutem or annehmbarem Zustand (Zustandsklasse 1 and 2). 14 Prozent der Anlagen weisen mittlere Schäden auf. If the tunnel objects project is carried out by the BSA, it would be a good idea to do this in the coming years. At the end of 2023, the security and security measures of the Tunnel Neuenhof und Baregg (A1 AG) were alarmed at the end of 2023: They were subsequently destroyed.

Climate hike, more traffic and Fachkräftemangel

The Netzstrassenbericht contains a possible risk of risks. The gold-plated etwa for nature, which could be explored in the climate changes and damage. Another risk is that the burden of the Strassen is avoided: We will get more energy on the Nationalstrasse when the road to the highway is opened, but it will not be faster and more healthy. The problem can be that the factory work is carried out, while the independence is not fair or cannot be carried out in the hereditary order. As a result of the purchase of the Astra material, there are sources of: Lieferengpassse bij de Betriebs- und Sicherheitsausrusten die in de components verzögerungen bij de Umsetzung von Unterhaltsarbeiten, was wiederum Folgen voor de Sicherheit und de Verfügbarkeit von Strassen haben kann.

Unterhalt des Nationalstrrassen gegenüber dem Ausbau des priosieren

One of the risks you can take is that the Astra at the BSA does not place another on a frühzeitige material order – which is a response to the love passage with the Betriebs and Security Sausage components. One of the most common issues that are not on the market is that with high planning and construction costs, the costs are higher, with priority being given to the Astra in the substructure. Another problem is the continuous maintenance of the infrastructure: Damages or other sanitary measures are so quickly taken into account that they can be taken into account when planning the underlying aspects.

The Astra looks at the only reausforderungen when it is done. There is “crude know-how in the knowledge of the infrastructure of the infrastructure” as Chance. Ebenso seine thesentrale Struktur aus Branches und Gebietseinheiten en seine technicalen Innovationen. The more information about the Astra message in this message depends on the digitalization, the planning and display of the installation mass have been optimized thanks to digital technology. (mai/mgt)

The message can be loaded on the Astra website.