
Raten Sie, welchen dieser three Racing car from the golden Ära Fangio fuhr

Raten Sie, welchen dieser three Racing car from the golden Ära Fangio fuhr

It seems that it is not the case that it is a pair of Vorkriegs-Bugatti and a Grand-Prix-Maserati. The mysterious Sammler monsieur T has won so many prizes over time that there will be three after the big auction on October 5.

Do you want to know if you feel like an “Autosammler”? How is it possible that a man has made the best choice in the car world, a title he deserves? Or has another hamster become a car, is this man a little hamster? The antweed falls high from the sky – you can see it as the human fragments. Many Sammler are regularly entitled to a higher price, from the car purchase to his new Hypercar. Once the party started, while the character of the car wasn’t as important as the time to frag, Blut was brought into Wallung. The change Sammler „Monsieur T“ has provided a lifetime of driving experience. It is a major challenge for technology and is a major challenge. If new items come into the collection, a new garage may have been found. Darunter these three racing cars, which were presented at the Autoworld Auction & Motion Auction of Aguttes on Wheels in Brussels on October 5.

Statt der typical Geschichten über ein Kind, das mit de olieverschmierten Werkzeugen seines en dem beißenden Geruch von verbleitem Benzin aufwuchs, was Monsieur Ts Mutter, die een autoliebber during war and in the 1960-years in a Jaguar XK 150 Coupé at the School fuhr. A Fahrt in one of the fascinating and non-interactive car interiors can put an end to the Jungen. With 13 years (!) I have owned a 1939 Seltenes Cabriolet, now a few hundred kilometers on the tachometer and that is – please check it out – now in your next collection. With 18 drehte sich with each sports car, try more Fiat Osca, a Facel Vega HK 500 and an Iso Rivolta. Danach is one of the show jumpers from Maranello and a different story for historic cars.

1922 Bugatti Type 30 Grand Prix Usine

Start with a visit to Bugatti. Monsieur T bought in 1981 and was happy to die, that’s the way to go. Stück Automobilgeschichte an Land was sucked. Denn Dieser Typ 30 from 1922 is the oldest and existing Renn Bugatti with an Achtzylinder engine. Dazu auch der first Bugatti mit Vierradbremsen (also nun auch vorne). Bugatti set four T30s for the first time during GP de l’ACF in Strasbourg. If you use the Fahrgestellnummer 4001 to 4004, this is an example of the Italian Pierre Marco trading T30 #4002. All the bases on the kürzeren Radstand of the T22 (2.40 metres) were now a kürzung of 15 Zentimeter gegenüber dem Straßenmodell auskrachte, aber ausreichte, one of the end-pressure Agility weiter zu scaffolden. Get a new engine (two liters of engine, three Ventile pro Zylinder, Doppelzündung, 80 PS) and combine with a zig-zag shaped chassis with streamlined shape Kühler invested with two T40 behind the Sieger Nazzaro (Fiat) on the Plätze two and three – with Marco in #4002 at P3.

1923 when the pseudonymous “Prince of Cystria” Bertrand founded the Faucigny-Lucinge, Herrenfahrer und Mitglied des Frans-Hochadels, met dem nun nicht mehr zo zigarrenförmigen #4002 op 500 Meilen von Indianapolis op de Nieuwe Platz. Since the 1960s, the car was financed in Istres (southwest France) by Bugatti Sammler Pierre Dellière. When the motorcycle war is complete, when there is a Dellière in a triebwerk, it is in one of the Genfers See sold schiff entdeckte! Während in 1926, rund 500 Fahrzeuge des Types 30 voor de Einsatz auf der Straße entstanden, is een solcher Werks-Rennwagen, auch as T29/30 bekannt, 102 Jahre später kaum noch aufzufinden. The design of the modified car body and the 1965 original motorcycle construction by Dellière is absolutely original. Schon dieser Bugatti can do some exciting things, war is not the only Molsheimer, the Monsieur T besaß…


Bugatti Type 40 A Grand Sport from 1929

After the race of the Grand Prix of type 35 on the race against Ettore Bugatti, when it was during the war, the Rennwagen was again overtaken in a model for walking, so that an offender could be prosecuted from the street. There is a striking type 35 A or “Course Imitation Tecla” (with a type 30 defective 8-cylinder engine with three-bearing Kurbelwelle) and type 37 with a 1.5 liter four-cylinder engine. If this model of Typ 40 is followed, it is worth giving the “Grand Sport” chassis a greater experience. Although it is not good, Bugatti has the Typ 40A Grand Sport version – jenes Modell, done its best here and Mr. T has gewissenhaft pflegt for several years.

Dieses A-Modell Baujahr 1929 (Chassis 40776) is supplied with a fast 1650 ccm eight-cylinder with block type 49. With double transmission and equipped with an electric autofflux petrol pump. These examples are made of the frühesten Typ 40 and a version of the most commonly used “Doppelzündungsschalter” from Marchal and Vaucansson for the care of both Zündspulen attached to the edge of the luminaire bretts. If there is a war going on, the car’s details will be examined, but most of the small details will relate to a specific reason. The Dieser Typ 40 A Grand Sport presents itself in a very original state, with its own lacquer, the holzarbeiten and the leather history of the past 100 years, with its own history and fantastic history. The car would travel and move in various stables and garages in the greater Paris and in the Sarthe region in the 1950s; nur Insider knew about signals Existenz. There is a chance that Bugatti is no longer original. If you can no longer restore it, there is a great chance for the Sieg in the “Preservation Class” of the major competition!


Maserati A6GCS Monofaro Usine from 1948

The last trio of this unique trio is a lighter Rosso in more of the French Blautöne: a beautiful Maserati A6 GCS 2000 Monofaro (Mono-Scheinwerfer) in the year 1948. One of the examples is one of the following years r four Werkswagen. The monofaro is gilded like one of the many racing cars of all time and features a 130 PS strong and unglazed light Zweiliter-Sechszylinder engine with Trockensumpfschmierung and three Weber-Vergasern vom Typ 36DO4. The weight of the trocken weighs 672 kg (as a formal 2, weighs 580 kg) and the vehicle can be driven at a speed of up to 200 km/h. For the Karosserie that focuses on the talents of Medardo Fantuzzi, the a sweaty Karosserie in the second world, which is practically an elegant war and is very light, the Wagen as F2 is one of the sports car classes with kotflügeln in its car. This flexibility creates enormous opportunities for teams and teams, driving change across Europe.

Of the 14 examples of Monofaro now on the high end of the market eight years ago, one of the most important was Maserati at all. It is an inexplicable history of the history that the Tatsache dies, but it is the letzte car war, that of the Brüdern Maserati enters the battle, before the Orsi family has control of power, can a real real hero of the Italian racing sport. If it is no longer the case, that car will no longer be able to beat the Argentine Nachwuchsfahrern Juan-Manuel Fangio and Benedicto Campos in Europe in 1949.

Sicher, der Name Fangio war noch nietem bekannt, als er beim There was a lot of trouble in Runde 21 aus, aber sein Naam sollte sehr schnell zum Synonym für Ruhm und Erfolg were – schon 1950 wurde Fangio zum first Mal Weltmeister. The car was in Argentina at the end of the 1950 season, where it would be for many years to come. Zurück in Europe after 1986 and the historic Mille Miglia was part of 1987 for the Retrospective des Bordeaux Grand Prix with Fangio Wiedervereint. Followed by the auctions at the Salon d’Avignon en zur Feier des 110. Geburtstags von Maserati – schon da im Besitz von Monsieur T.

Dieser A6 GCS2000 with a perfect documentation history is for the history and the great historical history of the sea, during the Mille Miglia, Goodwood and Monaco, which is also in the sports category in the e-insitzer, can really be who damals! Is it in France or in Europe, or is it after Argentina? Nach dem kommenden Wochenende is met vermutlich schlauer.


Photos by Remi Dargen