
Kartoffelpüree especially creamy: Köchin gibt Secret tip

Kartoffelpüree especially creamy: Köchin gibt Secret tip

Köchin erklärt’s

For “flüssigen Gold” zum best Püree! Darum solltet ihr Kartoffeln nicht in Wasser kochen


So prepare creamy muss Kartoffelpüree. You can do this with a simple trick.

Kartoffeln nicht in Wasser, sondern in Milch kochen?!

It is not a Scherz, but one of the Vorschlags of a US-Köchin. Warum, verraten wir euch.

Kartoffeln in Milch kochen: When it’s ready to go, it’s time to get

It’s a classic: Enjoy freshly baked fish, fish or meat – Kartoffelpüree is always welcome! Is it wise to use a credit, cremig and no schleimig-klebrig? Here we separate the Geister. On TikTok, American American chef Rosemary Gill has her own personal information. If you want: in the part where the creamiest carton puree is cremated. The loss is a matter of once: Be sure to cook the Kartoffeln das Wasser durch Milch!

Lese-Tipp: Kartoffel is always good! Nice recipe for the fallen Knolle

In a video you can see: “Kartoffeln sind wie nudeln, sie geben Stärke in de Kochflüssigkeit ab. And that will be gold!” When Kartoffeln enters the car wash, the “great star” slides a little into the abyss. Laut Rosemary Gill a Verschwendung. Bought in the Kartoffeln in Milch, it is not necessary to purify the Kartoffeln in Milch directly. Dadurch comes ihr, so the Köchin, a „üppiges, seidiges, cremiges Kartoffelpüree“.

Comments on the Koch Video are wrong

A bigger Pluspunkt with Köchin Gill: Thanks der Milch that man on Sahne does at Kartoffelpüree display. Dadurch’s backup man is a Kalorien ein. What people thought of the idea, the cartoffeln in Milch zu kochen, was geistert since, others remained skeptical. “It’s a matter of food”, he says otherwise. Other see for all financial problems, that Milch deutlich teurer ist as Wasser: “Milch statt Wasser, bij dieser Wirtschaftslage?!”


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If you find another idea, you can restore the carton puree. “Bought eure Kartoffeln in Hühnerbrühe. I’m sorry, Leute, it’s still unglaublich!”, one person wrote. And Merlin, own Angaben nach ebenfalls professional Koch, erzählt: “We prepare the Kartoffeln for the Purée im Ofen auf Salz zu.” There is also a clear sense of satisfaction.

That’s it now: try it yourself! (lkö)