
Was jetzt noch ins Beet darf –

Was jetzt noch ins Beet darf –

Mittlerweile quickly takes all Beete abgeerntet signal. If it is October, it will be nice again: A number of gemstones are being sorted, which you cannot remove.

Tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, Möhren, Kürbis, Rosenkohl, Zwiebeln – they are all available at the end of September, beginning of October and provide free Beete. When summer is over and many Pflanzen are in the Winterruhe, Gemüse and Salat cannot yet be celebrated in October – even if there is no Gewächshaus. Some sorting, which you have done a long time ago, cannot be carried out in winter, but the sorting may take a while and will take place in the next phase of the outage.

There has never been a message for the Aussaat in October: Für den Boden ist es von Vorteil, when the Beete no longer learned. There is then a heavy rainfall.

Aussaat in October: Gemüse, jetzt gesät became kann

There is a richer collection of gems, which are good in the countryside:

Button launch: Were you able to use the Knoblauch pflanzen, sollte speziellen Winterknoblauch used, so that it is calm.

  • Zum Pflanzen die Zehen aus der Knolle los en een nice Zentimeter tief eenpflanzen.
  • The winter bud can be in July.
  • The button that opens on the supermarket is not cheap, but it is not winter heart.

Winter Portulak (Purslane): Winter portulak, or purslane made, is a winter holiday, which can be carried out in the future. The early years were completed as salaat, the life cycle of the spin-off.

  • Purslane braucht Temperatures below 12 degrees, at least.
  • After we had been able to use the Winter Portulak for eight weeks.
  • Let the Salatherz leave the Blätter during the severe storms and winter can pass.

Winterkopfsalat (Baquieu): Wer jetzt Winterkopfsalat aussät, kann im zetigen Frühjahr frischen Salat ernten.

  • Winterkopfsalat is located on a pitch.
  • If the Baquieu is a bright spot, the Sami will now no longer be covered with Erde.
  • In October the salat can still be kept in the beets, while it is vor sucked in the house and is pflanzted in the beets, when the spirit is to digest the Blätter.
Purslane was born in Winter Gemüse, which was not possible in October.
Purslane was born in Winter Gemüse, which was not possible in October. (Photo: CC0 Public Domain / Pixabay, MetsikGarden)

Spinat: Spinat is another winter holiday, which cannot take place in October. There are no restrictions at temperatures of 4 degrees Celsius and it is freezing cold.

  • Spinat provides a sunny standort and fresh material, continuous soil.
  • The Spinat ein Dunkelkeimer ist, but the Together fully with Erde covered signal
  • Winter spinat will never take place in October again.

Wintererbsen: Winter products are a good choice for the herbs so that they can move the frost more easily. You cannot do this in November yet.

  • See a etwa two Zentimeter is a yardstick and empty that Erbsen im Abstand von etwa fünf Zentimetern hinein. Bedecke die Wintererbsen with etwas Erde.
  • Make sure that the young one is regular. Vermeide aber Staunässe.
  • If you want to leave the Monaten, there is a serious event.

Wintersteckzwiebel: Wintersteckzwiebeln and winterheart, you can enjoy your meal – and enjoy the freshness.

  • Wintersteckzwiebeln ensure a possible sunny standort.
  • The Zwiebeln were put into the Erde with the Spitze after three Zentimeter-tief.
  • The green can be used in winter with a frühlingszwiebel.

Topinambur: Auch Topinambur kannst du jetzt pflanzen. These tubers were placed in the Erde from October to April:

Gründüngung in Boden’s spice mixture

If Beeten is no longer grown, people can buy gründüngerpflanzen with gelbsenf, Buchweizen, Rauhafer, Rotklee or Bienenfreund and so they are a good offer. The zwischenfrucht ensures soil life and improves the soil. If you spend the winter in the winter and spend the new time in the soil, the height of the humus content.

Aussaat im Herbst: Bitte strandten!

  • Achte beim Kauf von Samen darauf, dass das Saatgut für die Herbstaussaat geeignet.
  • Lockere den Boden vor der Aussaat gut auf. Waterfalls have emerged that contain organic or organic matter, a natural matter diversification.
  • If the frost is strong or it rains, it can be a shame to shield yourself with the wind or foil. So buy a microclimate, that is the Pflanzen for extreme Witterungsbedingungen schützt.

If your number is certain, the pflanzen in the top or small gewächshäusern can be vorziehen and spater in free setzen.

I was in the garden in October, nor zu tun ist

  1. Frühblüher whom Tulips, Daffodils, Crocuses, Anemones, Zierlauch, Hyazinthen and Schneeglöckchen sollt in the Erde. If you calm down a little, you’ll be blue for a few more years.

  2. In October it takes longer before more schnittarbeiten are made.
  3. There are and the harmful microorganisms that cause the disease, man can die with the plant remains mulching.
  4. Empty Pflanzen, which are not in the free winter months, sollten jetzt a gegeschützten Ort umziehen.

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