
More Freiheit, weniger Kontrolle: So erziehen Free Range Parents selbstbewusste Kinder

More Freiheit, weniger Kontrolle: So erziehen Free Range Parents selbstbewusste Kinder

A new trend has emerged in the company: free-range parenting. The Begriff only sounded when it was in free circulation. Although nature is final for free-range parents, the erzie footage shows that it has not worked out anymore.

If there are indications that unconventional problems have arisen, and if you want to win a threatening business, there will be woolen research.

Was this free-range parenting?

Free Range Parenting, in German and “Freiland Erziehung”, describes an erziehungstil, der darauf abzielt, Kindern more Freiheit and Selbststandigkeit zu ermöglichen.

Make sure that children are pampered and that they can enjoy the free range, there are free range alternatives in their children, own standard of learning and waiting. This learning method also ensures confidence in infancy and childhood, that they go through their own things and learn.

Free Range Eltern fördern das self-processed commercial and children’s activities, it is often the case that all playground equipment, roads find expertise and self-responsible solutions.

Good to know: Geprägt is the beginning of the ‘Free Range Kids’ by the American journalist Lenore Skenazy. In 2008, his ninth anniversary was an art experiment on the New York U-Bahn. Der Sohn meisterte de herausforderung und he wrote a column. The reaction to my experiment war would be different if you did this. The power of man is the ‘schlechtest Mutter der Welt’.

The philosophy refers to free-range parenting

Free-range parents do not act without problems or thoughtlessness. Use the first method to make the program shine, it is more childish to immediately start working and learning. The Freiheit, de Kinderhalten, soll Ihnen helfen, Verantwortungsbewusstsein und Problemlösungsfähigkeiten zu entwickeln.

There is a central idea, the child of nature is new and educational. When you get the chance to trade yourself, this natural, new way of trading becomes possible. A standing position of children is annoying for the children.

When it comes to keinesfalls, the Free Range parents are dying and the Wohlbefinden are children’s vernachlässigen. Vielmehr setzen sie auf eine ausgewacht Balance between Freiheit and Schutz.

Der Alltag van Free Range Familien

The hands-on education of free-range parenting can move from family to family, making it a brand of note. A typical example is that children learn from each other, because they are happy, beispielsweise in the school. If you have your own description and standard of rearing and rearing, the children of free-range parents are the most bullied.

Lies: Supervision obligation: Do you want to continue for a long time? Welding for children alone?

In practice, children often undertake more activities. When you organize the organization of your life at some point, it is the Free Range Parenting Platz for free play and spontaneous separation. Self-determinations and problem solving are worth it.

Kritik am Free Range Parenting

As the concept of free-range parenting becomes more and more popular, it is no longer possible to obtain immunity. Criticism of arguments, it is a larger Freiheitsgrad children’s school can and can teach a structure to develop defiziten. If you warn that the teething problems do not take the usual time, then you have a complicated situation.

Another argument is that the free-range parenting involvement of the social environment. In a gesellschaft, in the vast Schutz and the force majeure that we have seen (provided by the Corona pandemic), it may be that Eltern is schwierig, if the mainstreams are in motion. The divorce, one’s own children are more free to become, can become an exploration or responsibility for others.

Was the research successful?

The scientific involvement of free-range parenting reveals both positive and negative aspects. Because it has become this way, it is more childish that there are more free spirits, often higher values ​​and greater self-confidence. Study of the self-defense games and the overcoming of herausforderungen is separated from the cognitive and emotional discharge.

Jedoch starts studying, the last time you notice the risks of children ending up in a bad situation. Finding the right masses is free and safe, it is a reformation that offers you the opportunity to make your own choice.

Is free-range parenting nonplusultra?

Das Free Range Parenting proposes an interesting alternative to rejuvenated experiences. It is based on the Überzeugung, that Children through self-responsible actions and the experiences of herausforderungen become better for their life. A man has been found at the Erziehung von Qualleneltern.

If you no longer have an overview and a critical assessment, it is still a true perspective for Eltern that your children have more free time and self-esteem.

It is important that children get the raum, while they brauchen, find a way to find and listen. The Balance between Freiheit and Sicherheit can vermutlich the great Herausforderung for Eltern and Kinder.

Wittiger Hinweis zum Schluss: The information and tips in these articles are completely applicable. Jedes Kind is different and responds to its own art and wisdom. It is not that you are aware of the best way to find the way to the best way.